
TExES Practice Exam

This registration is for an in-person TExES practice exam. Please read the following before submitting your registration.

1.) Weekday testing appointments are 4 hours in length. You must be on time for your appointment.

2.) You may only sign up for one practice exam during this session. If you need to cancel or change the exam you have registered for, please email COE-TSO@unt.edu. Include your name and UNT ID number.

3.) Exam selections must be related to your certification field. For example: If ESL Supplemental is not part of your program, you are not eligible for the ESL Supplemental practice exam and your registration will be denied.

4.) You will receive a confirmation email after your registration has been approved with the exam location and more information.

Event Date: 
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 - 8:00am to 12:00pm