Dr. Jessica Murdter-Atkinson is an Assistant Professor of Literacy Education at the
University of North Texas. Previously, Jessi was an elementary school teacher in central
Texas, working with students in grades Pre-K through fifth grade for fifteen years.
More recently, she was an elementary instructional coach. Jessi earned her Bachelor,
Master's, and Doctoral degrees from the University of Texas at Austin, with a focus
on literacy studies. In her time at UT, she worked as a field supervisor, teaching
assistant, assistant instructor, and graduate research assistant. Jessi's areas of
research interest include early literacy, coaching and mentoring preservice teachers,
and culturally sustaining approaches to literacy instruction.
Daly, A., Vlach, S., Tily, S., Murdter-Atkinson, J., &Maloch, B. (2023). “I never explicitly brought that up to my mentors”: Early Career
Teachers of Color Navigating Whiteness with White Mentors in a University-Based Induction
Program. Conditional acceptance with Urban Education.
Mosley Wetzel, M., Maloch, B., Alexander, K., Murdter-Atkinson, J., Ries, E., Wright, A., &McLean, J. (2023). “Reading” into statistics: Systems analysis
and action in an early career teacher mentor community. Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice, 72(1), 1-22. DOI: 10.1177/23813377231184739
Nash, B., Dunham, H., Murdter-Atkinson, J., &Mosley Wetzel, M. (2022). A Culturally Sustaining Approach to Multimodal Literacies:
Building from Students’ Funds of Knowledge in Field-Based Teacher Education. Literacy Research and Instruction, 1-25.
Maloch, B., Mosley Wetzel, M., Tily, S., Daly-Lesch, A., Murdter-Atkinson, J., &Krafka, C. (2022). Mentoring in a University-based induction program. The Teacher Educator, 57(4), 431-451. https://doi.org/10.1080/08878730.2022.2107131
Nash, B., Dunham, H., Murdter-Atkinson, J., Nash, B., &Mosley Wetzel, M. (2022). Building on Linguistic Strengths: Tenets of
a Culturally Sustaining Teacher. The Reading Teacher, 75(6), 677-687. doi:10.1002/trtr.2094