Educator Preparation at UNT

Welcome to the UNT Educator Preparation Office! 

Wherever you may be on your journey to becoming an educator at UNT, our office is here to support you.

Here is where you can learn more about admission to the Educator Preparation Preogram, applying for field experience, TExES exams, and the steps to apply for your official certificate once you have completed your program.

Check our calendar for Admissions and Clinical Practice application dates for each semester, to sign up for free TExES practice exams, and important announcements. Each office in the EPO also has its own page which contains resources to help you every step of the way.

Teacher Program

Admission Requirements
  • Official degree audit that includes teacher certification
  • 60+ earned credit hours​
  • 12+ earned credit hours in the teaching field (TNT programs =15+)​
  • 2.750+ UNT GPA (TNT programs = 2.500+)​
  • 2.750+ Overall GPA (TNT programs = 2.500+)​
  • 2.750+ Teaching Field/Major GPA (TNT programs = 2.500+)
  • TSI complete status​
  • Active enrollment
Certification Requirements
  • Complete all required academic courses, GPA, and degree requirements, as stated on your degree audit.
  • Successful clinical teacher or internship field experience
  • The appropriate degree is posted on your UNT transcript.
  • Pass all required TExES certification exams.

Additional information about the Teacher admission process can be found at the link below.


Principal Program

Admission Requirements
  • Bachelor’s degree
  • Minimum GPA of 2.5
  • Teaching Certificate
Certification Requirements
  • Complete all coursework, including 2 semester practicum
  • Master’s degree conferred
  • Successfully complete state certification exams & assessments
  • Two creditable years of teaching experience as a classroom teacher
  • Must hold a valid classroom teaching certificate

Additional information about the Principal certification program and the Educational Leadership degree options can be found here: Educational Leadership Program

Superintendent Program

Admission Requirements
  • Nomination from current district Superintendent
  • Principal Certification or evidence of 3 years managerial experience
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Master's degree
Certification Requirements
  • Complete all coursework, including160 hour practicum
  • Master's degree conferred
  • Successfully complete state certification exam
  • Hold a Principal certificate (or the equivalent) or completed the superintendent certificate application and been approved by the TEA to substitute managerial experience in lieu of a Principal certificate.

Additional information on the Educational Doctorate program that is closely associated with the Superintendent Certification is available here:  EdD in Educational Leadership

School Librarian Program

Admission Requirements
  • Bachelor's Degree
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Teaching Certificate
Certification Requirements
  • Complete all coursework, including Practicum
  • Master's degree conferred
  • Successfully complete state certification exam
  • Two creditable years of teaching experience as a classroom teacher
  • Teaching Certificate

Additional information on the academic degree program associated with the School Librarian program can be found here:  School Librarian Program

School Counselor Program

Admission Requirements
  • Bachelor's Degree
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0
Certification Requirements
  • Complete all coursework, including Practicum 
  • Hold a 48-hour Master's degree in counseling
  • Successfully complete state certification exam

Additional details about UNT's nationally recognized counseling program can be found here:  MS in School Counseling

Educational Diagnostician Program

Admission Requirements
  • Master's Degree
  • Minimum GPA of 2.5
  • Teaching Certificate
Certification Requirements
  • Complete all coursework, including Practicum 
  • Master's Degree Conferred
  • Successfully complete state certification exam
  • Three creditable years of teaching experience as a classroom teacher
  • Must hold a valid classroom teaching certificate

Additional information on the degrees associated with the Educational Diagnostician certification can be found here:  Special Education - Educational Diagnostician

Educator Supply and Demand

The Texas Education Agency estimates that in the next decade Texas will continue to experience high demand for certified school teachers to fill positions across the state. Demand is particularly salient in disciplines that currently experience an inadequate supply of schoolteachers.

For the 2023-2024 school year the approved teacher shortage content areas and disciplines in Texas include:

  • Bilingual/English as a Second Language
  • Career and Technical Education (secondary level only)
  • Computer Science/Technology Applications
  • English Language Arts and Reading (secondary level only)
  • Mathematics (secondary level only)
  • Science (secondary level only)
  • Social Studies (secondary level only)
  • Special Education

The Texas Workforce Commission projects that between 2020 and 2030 demand for teachers in Texas across grade levels will increase by 13.3% compared to a predicted 4% increase in teacher demand at the national level.

Texas Teacher Employment Projections 2020-2030 Elementary School* Middle School** High School***
Texas Teacher Employment Projections 2020-2030Texas Teacher Employment Projections 2020-2030Number employed in 2020 Elementary School*Elementary School*132,240 Middle School**Middle School**65,510 High School***High School***97,140
Texas Teacher Employment Projections 2020-2030Texas Teacher Employment Projections 2020-2030Number projected employed by 2030 Elementary School*Elementary School*149,640 Middle School**Middle School**74,120 High School***High School***110,400
Texas Teacher Employment Projections 2020-2030Texas Teacher Employment Projections 2020-2030Annual employment and turnover openings Elementary School*Elementary School*11,710 Middle School**Middle School**5,800 High School***High School***8,290


UNT Educator Preparation Program Appeal

Students may appeal Teacher Education admission requirements or decisions or appeal Teacher Education program requirements or decisions. To initiate an appeal, a student must complete the Educator Preparation Program Appeal Microsoft Form. The student completes the form and attaches the required materials and documents and other information the student considers relevant. This form and the written materials from the student are used to render a judgement in the appeal. The Associate Dean for Educator Preparation will consult with the Director of Clinical Experiences and the Director of Student Advising to render judgement on the appeal.

To submit an appeal, please visit this link to access the EPP appeal.  

Required Background Checks

Candidates must undergo a criminal history background check prior to clinical teaching as a student and prior to employment as an educator. Applicants for a Texas educator certificate also must submit to the criminal history review. An individual who has been convicted of an offense may be ineligible for issuance of a certificate upon completion of the Educator Preparation Program.

A person has the right to request a “Preliminary Criminal History Evaluation” from TEA regarding the person's potential ineligibility for certification due to a conviction or deferred adjudication for a felony or misdemeanor offense. Rules relating to “Eligibility of Persons with Criminal History for a Certificate” are prescribed in 19 TAC §249.16.

Sources: Texas Occupations Code Chapter 53, Texas Education Code Chapter 22.0831 and 22.0835 and 19 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 227, Subchapter B

UNT Educator Preparation Program Exit Policy

Candidates may be removed from the UNT Educator Preparation Program in the event they demonstrate behavior inconsistent with professional and ethical expectations of an educator in Texas. Dismissal from the program may be based on grounds including but not limited to:

  • Failure to meet coursework requirements.
  • Failure to abide by policies and/or procedures established by the University of North Texas Educator Preparation Program and/or program requirements established by the State Board for Educator Certification as published in the Texas Administrative Code.
  • Any action deemed a violation of the Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators, and/or;
  • Any action deemed a violation of the UNT Student Code of Conduct; and/or;
  • Any action deemed a violation of school district and/or campus policy during field-based experiences or clinical teaching or internship.
  • The candidate has been inactive in the program for 5 or more years.
  • The candidate has been discontinued from UNT due to inactivity after 1 year of non-consecutive enrollment.

Dismissal from the program may occur at any time. Candidates who are dismissed from the University of North Texas College of Education will also be automatically dismissed from the Educator Preparation Program. All decisions of dismissal can be appealed following College policies.

UNT Prior Coursework and Training Policy

In accordance with 19 TAC §228.35(a)(5)(A) & 19 TAC §228.35(a)(5)(B), TEA requires that each educator preparation program must implement specific criteria and procedures that allow: 

  1.  Military service member or military veteran candidates to credit verified military service, training, or education toward the training, education, work experience, or related requirements (other than certification examinations) for educator certification requirements, provided that the military service, training, or education is directly related to the certificate being sought; and 
  2.  Candidates who are not military service members or military veterans to substitute prior or ongoing service, training, or education, provided that the experience, education, or training is not also counted as a part of the internship, clinical teaching, or practicum requirements, was provided by an approved preparation program or an accredited institution of higher education within the past five years, and is directly related to the certificate being sought. 

Candidates who meet one of these requirements should submit a general petition along with supporting documents to their College of Education advisor. Educator Preparation Program faculty will review the documents and communicate to candidates if credit can be obtained.

Mailing Address:

1155 Union Circle, #311337
Denton, TX  76203-5017
