González-Carriedo, R., Anderson, A., King, K., Camacho Rodríguez, A., & Reynolds, S. (in press). Developing Critical Consciousness for Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: An International Teacher Exchange Program. Teacher Development
Ahumada Camacho, G., González-Carriedo, R., González Hernández, D.S., Machuca Flores, S.C., & Guerra Sañudo, M.I. (2022). Superando Fronteras: Equidad Educativa para los Estudiantes Transnacionales. Bilingual Research Journal, (45)2, 242-261, DOI: 10.1080/15235882.2022.2096151
King, K., Dixon, K.V., González-Carriedo, R., & Dixon-Krauss, L. (2021). Transformation and cross-cultural adaptation of teacher candidates in an international student teaching program. Journal of Transformative Education. https://doi.org/10.1177/15413446211028564
González-Carriedo, R., Weiller, L., & Boyd, R. (2020). “¡A Saltar!” Using Movement to Enhance the Development of Bilingualism. NABE Journal of Research and Practice. DOI: 10.1080/26390043.2019.1703392.
González-Carriedo, R. (2019). Los programas de lenguaje dual como vía hacia una educación multicultural y plurilingüe, NABE Journal of Research and Practice, 9(1), 22-34. DOI: 10.1080/26390043.2019.1589280.
Szwed, A., & González-Carriedo, R. (2019). The role of language ideologies in the self-efficacy of pre-service bilingual education teachers. Bilingual Research Journal, 42(2), 178-193. Acceptance rate: 18%; SRJ: 0.89
González-Carriedo, R., & Harrell, P. E. (2018). Teachers’ dispositions toward technology in a two-way dual-language program. Computers in the Schools, 35(2), 111-133. Acceptance rate: 50%
Babino, A. & González-Carriedo, R. (2017). Striving toward equitable biliteracy assessments in hegemonic school contexts. Association of Mexican American Educators Journal, 11(1), 54-72. Acceptance rate: 19-30%.
González-Carriedo, R., López de Nava, J., & Salas Martínez, M. (2017). International student teaching: A transformational experience. Journal of International Students, 7(3), 841-855. Impact Factor: 0.86. Acceptance rate: 35%.
Williams, J., Tunks, J., González-Carriedo, R., Faulkenberry, E., & Middlemiss, W. (2016). Supporting mathematics understanding through funds of knowledge. Urban Education, 55(3), 476-502. DOI: 10.1177/0042085916654523. Impact factor: 1.194. Acceptance rate: 27%.
González-Carriedo, R., Bustos, N., & Ordóñez, J. (2016). Constructivist approaches in a dual-language classroom. Multicultural Perspectives, 18(2), 108-111. 10.1080/15210960.2016.1159102. Acceptance rate: 21-30%.
González-Carriedo, R. (2016). Immigration reform: The contrasting views of the press. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 38(3), 307-323. 10.1177/0739986316651941. Impact factor: 0.603.
Ries, F., Yanes Cabrera, C., & González-Carriedo, R. (2016). A study of teacher training in the United States and Europe. European Journal of Social and Behavioural Sciences, XVII, 2029-2054. Indexed in ISI Thomson Reuters Web of Science.
González-Carriedo, R., & Tunks, J. (2016). Change in mathematics teaching practices through an international teacher exchange program. Revista de Educación y Desarrollo, 10(1), 148-169.
Babino, A. & González-Carriedo, R. (2015). Advocating for dual-language programs: Implementation of a public policymaking model. Journal of Bilingual Education Research & Instruction, 17(1), 12-27. Acceptance rate: 35%.
González-Carriedo, R. (2015). Educación bilingüe o inmersión en inglés: Análisis de la prensa escrita de Arizona. The NABE Journal of Research and Practice, 6. Acceptance rate: 24%.
González-Carriedo, R. (2014). The ideologies of the press in regard to English language learners: A case study of two newspapers in Arizona. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 11(2), 121-149. Acceptance rate: 11-20%.
Heiman, D., DeVaughn, N., & González-Carriedo, R. (2019). The Seal of Biliteracy. Texas Journal of Literacy Education, 7(1), 5-9.
Espinoza-Herold, M., & González-Carriedo, R. (2017). Issues in Latino education. Class, race, and the politics of academic success (2nd Ed.). New York: Routledge.
Data-Driven, Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters
Tunks, J., González-Carriedo, R., Rainey, L., & Reynolds, S. (2020). Enhancing culturally relevant teaching: Experiential learning in the International Teacher-to-Teacher Exchange Program. In J. Ferrara, J. Nath, & R. Beebe, Exploring Cultural Competence in Professional Development Schools. Information Age Publishing.
Szwed, A., González-Carriedo, R. (2019). The role of language ideologies in the self-efficacy of pre-service bilingual education teachers. In S. Wisdom, L. Leavitt, & C. Bice (Eds.), Handbook of research on social inequality and education (pp. 220-236). IGI Global.
González-Carriedo, R., Ordóñez, J. & Bustos, N. (2018). Mentoring international student teachers: Bringing intercultural experiences to the bilingual classroom. In M. Cowart (Ed.), Academic achievement for English Language Learners: Essential elements of teaching and leadership (pp. 126-149). Denton, TX: Texas Woman’s University.
González-Carriedo, R., & Babino, A. (2017). Bilingual and biliterate skills as cross-cultural competence success. In G. Conchas, M. Gottfried, B. Hinga, & L. Oseguera (Eds.), Educational policy goes to school: Case studies on the limitations and possibilities of educational innovation (pp. 201-214). New York: Taylor & Francis.
Tunks, J., González-Carriedo, R., Anderson, A., Felts, M. (2017). International Teacher to Teacher Exchange program: An outgrowth of a PDS program. In J. Ferrara, J. Nath, I. Guadarrama, & R. Beebe (Eds.), Expanding opportunities to link research and clinical practice. A volume in research in professional development schools (pp. 217-239). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Dixon, K.V., González-Carriedo, R., & Dixon-Krauss, L. (2017). The implementation and analysis of an international student teaching program. In L. Leavitt (Ed.), Cultural awareness and competency development in higher education (pp. 168-188). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
González-Carriedo, R. & DeVaughn, N. (2019). [Review of the book Community-Based Language Learning: A Framework for Educators, by J. Clifford & D. S. Reisinger]. Teachers College Record. Retrieved from https://www.tcrecord.org/Content.asp?ContentID=23030