


Mathematics Resources
● IES: Assisting Students Struggling with Mathematics: Intervention in the Elementary Grades: Practice Guide
● NCII: Intensive Intervention in Mathematics – Lesson Resources and Modules: Intensive Mathematics Intervention: Training Modules | NCII (intensiveintervention.org)
● Mathematics - Special Connections
● Mathematics - Identifying and addressing student errors

Reading Resources
● IES: Assisting Students Struggling with Reading: Response to Intervention (RtI) and Multi-Tier
Intervention in the Primary Grades

● NCII: Intensive Intervention in Reading – Lesson Resources and Modules:
Dyslexia at a glance
Direct Instruction - Reading
Matching Readers with Texts
Improving Reading Comprehension in Kindergarten -3rd Grade
Reading Rockets

Writing Resources
Teaching Elementary School Students to be Effective Writers - practice Guide Summary
Writing - Special Connections

Progress Monitoring Resources
Using Student Achievement Data to Support Instructional Decision Making
Center on Multi-tiered systems of supports
Making sense of Progress Monitoring to guide data based decision making
RTI and data based decision making
Data based individualization

Behavior Support Resources
● NCII: Behavior Support: Resources and Modules
IES: Reducing Behavior Problems in the Elementary School Classroom

Emergent Bilingual Resources
Effective Literacy and English Language Instruction for English Learners in the Elementary Grade

Response to Intervention
RTI Action Network
RTI & English Language Learners
Response to Intervention - Tips from the experts

Evidence Based Practices - Where to look:
University of Kansas Dept of Special Education - Special Connections
What Works ClearingHouse
IRIS Center
Council for Exceptional Children - High Leverage Practices in Special Education
Texas SPED Support

Individual Education Plans:
Navigating IEP meetings
IEPs vs. 504 Plans
Texas Notice of Procedural Safeguards
Considering Least Restrictive Environment
Accommodations for Students with Learning Disabilities

National Professional Development Center - Autism Spectrum Disorder
National Clearinghouse on Autism Evidence & Practice
Autism Internet Modules 
Center for Autism and Related Disabilities 
Visual Schedules:

Collaboration and Co-teaching Resources
5 Tips for Co-teaching
6 Models of Co-teaching

Assessment Materials
Intensive Interventions (Part I)
Intensive Interventions (Part II)
CBM by Intervention Central


The following professional organizations focus on the education of emergent bilinguals (EBs). Check with your school principal about funding to attend an annual conference. Additionally, these organizations provide professional development throughout the school year.

The Texas Education Agency provides numerous resources to understand how EBs are educated. In Texas there are six program models to support EBs. 

Developing lessons to support the emergent bilinguals to master the TEKS.

Lessons must be designed to support emergent bilingual students. These lessons need to incorporate the state standards for the subject matter and grade level (TEKS). When the language of instruction is Spanish, teachers need to access the TEKS in Spanish

Regardless of the language of instruction, the presence of emergent bilinguals in the classroom requires that teachers provide a series of accommodations

Developing and implementing formal and informal assessments to support the emergent bilinguals.

The following books are good resources:

  • Herrera, Cabral, & Murray (2020) Herrera, S.G., Cabral, R.M., & Murry, K.G. (2020). Third edition. Assessment of culturally and linguistically diverse students.  - offers information about formal and informal language assessments, formative and summative content-area assessments, and authentic assessments for culturally and linguistically diverse students. 
  • Gottlieb, M.H. (2016). Assessing English language learners: Bridges to educational equity: Connecting academic language proficiency to student achievement. Corwin. - offers a look at equity in assessments for English learners in linguistically and culturally responsive classrooms and schools that optimize students, learning opportunities. 
  • Espana, C., & Herrera, L.Y. (2020). En comunidad: Lessons for centering the voices and experiences of bilingual Latinx students. Heinemann. - offers actual lesson plans. 

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) provides a series of resources for the major language assessments for emergent bilingual students in Texas:

Developing lessons to support emergent bilinguals in mastering the English language proficiency standards

If you are teaching emergent bilinguals, you will be expected to include English language standards in your lesson plans. The TEA provides valuable resources to incorporate the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) into your lessons. 

Understanding and adhering to federal and state laws governing services for emergent bilinguals

Educational services for emergent bilinguals must abide by the existing laws and regulations. - Video presentation on the process for serving emergent bilinguals