University of North Texas
College of Education
Department of Counseling and Higher Education Higher Education Program

I have received the Higher Education Doctoral Student Handbook. I will review these materials carefully, and if I have any questions concerning these materials, I will ask for clarification from my EDHE 6000 Proseminar in Higher Education instructor, my advisor, or the Higher Education Program Coordinator.

I understand the policies and procedures as stated in the Handbook. I agree to fulfill the requirements as stated and to abide by the policies set forth herein. I understand that policy changes are made at the university, college, department, and program levels and agree to assume responsibility for remaining up-to-date on such changes. I agree to check the appropriate websites, graduate school, college, and department resources for most current forms, deadlines, and information.

I further agree that the faculty of the Higher Education Program at the University of North Texas has the right and responsibility to monitor my academic progress, my professional ethical behavior, and my personal character that may impact my abilities as a higher education professional.

I understand that I am responsible for the information presented in the Higher Education Doctoral Student Handbook. I further assume full responsibility for meeting the current requirements of the Graduate School and the College of Education as outlined in the UNT Graduate Catalog.

Printed Name

Signature Date

Note: It is the student's responsibility to sign this form and return it to the student's advisor, EDHE 6000 Proseminar in Higher Education instructor, or the Higher Education Program Coordinator for placement in the student's file.