At the doctoral level, emphasis is on broadening the scholars understanding of behavior and its impact on learning, ecological assessment, issues and emerging trends in the field of emotional/behavioral disorders, research and use of evidence-based practices, issues and practices in personnel development at the pre-service and graduate levels, components of effective programs and program evaluation and other topics relevant to the scholar’s terminal goals. Graduates of the PhD program typically assume positions in institutions of higher education and leadership roles in public and private schools.
The doctoral program in special education requires a minimum of 63 hours of course work and research experience.
A master’s degree with a major in special education or a closely related field is required for application to the PhD. Candidates with master’s degrees in other fields will be required to take up to five additional courses in special education, with advisor’s approval.
The following requirements are for students who enter the program with a related master’s degree.
Educational psychology PhD core, 6 hours
And one of the following
Educational Research core, 15 hours
Special Education core, 21 hours
Concentration Area, 9 hours
Learning disability and behavior disorders concentration
Supervised research/practice, 3 hours
Dissertation, 9 hours minimum