
Darrell M. Hull

Darrell M. Hull

Educational Psychology

Matthews Hall 304-C

Professor Hull came to UNT from Baylor University in 2007 and presently coordinates the Research Methodology, Measurement, and Statistics PhD program in the Department of Educational Psychology where he teaches courses in advanced measurement and psychometrics including Classical Test Theory, Generalizability Theory, and Item Response Theory. He also has methodological research interests in experimental and quasi-experimental design and analysis of field trial studies in education, and has more than 25 years of experience conducting program evaluations of educational programs and interventions. His substantive interests include Positive Youth Development and STEM education based on more than 30 years of work in STEM education, and with youth and adolescents in developing countries in the Caribbean region. He was named a Fulbright Scholar in 2019 for this PYD and methods work in evaluation and held a visiting appointment at the University of the West Indies in Jamaica.