Person standing outside with arms outstretched as the sun is rising.

Research aimed at improving human health

Secure a Major Professor before applying for the upcoming Fall semester.

The Department of Kinesiology, Health Promotion & Recreation (KHPR) offers coursework leading to a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Human Performance and Movement Science (HPMS). The HPMS program prepares its graduates (via two tracks) to conduct independent and innovative research aimed at improving human health.

Throughout the program, each doctoral student works closely with a Major Professor (faculty advisor/mentor). This approach provides unique opportunities for students to gain competencies specific to the Major Professor and laboratory they join when entering the program.

Research Areas

The HPMS Ph.D. program places an emphasis on research-based learning experiences by guiding students through independent projects, data collection, development of research ideas, study design and methods, and completion of a dissertation project.

The distinct research of HPMS Ph.D. program faculty can be categorized into four areas:

Credit Hour Requirements

HPMS students are required to complete the total credit hour minimum amounts below, based on the degree type earned upon admission (i.e., master's or bachelor's).

See the FAQs for more information.

Master's Degree
54 Total Credit Hours
42 credit hours (minimum)
12 credit hours (minimum)
Bachelor's Degree
90 Total Credit Hours
78 credit hours (minimum)
12 credit hours (minimum)
Is there a minimum GPA requirement to apply?

A 3.5 GPA or above is recommended but not required.

What are the two tracks?

Currently, the two tracks are Applied Physiology and Human Performance Psychology.

However, if you have interest in any of the four research areas, you are encouraged to secure a Major Professor and apply.

How do I apply?

Once you have secured a Major Professor, you will be provided with the next steps at that time.

Is there a deadline to apply?

There are no set deadlines but most decisions are made by May 1st.

Will I receive funding during the program?

Your Major Professor will attempt to secure funding for you to help offset the cost of attending graduate school. Typical funding consists of a Graduate Assistantship position (part-time employment) and tuition benefits. Other funding options may consist of scholarships, awards, or grants.

Details will be discussed with your potential Major Professor in the pre-application process.

See also Financial Questions.

What is the anticipated time to complete the program?

If you are entering with a master's degree, you should expect to complete all coursework within 2 years and your dissertation within an additional 2 years.

If you are entering with a bachelor's degree, you should expect to complete all coursework within 4 years and your dissertation within an additional 2 years.

If I am entering with a bachelor's degree, will there be opportunity to earn a master's degree?
The first 2 years of the HPMS Ph.D. program will provide you with the opportunity to earn a Master of Science in Kinesiology degree, if all requirements are met. Feel free to explore the master's program website, but keep in mind that your requirements will vary slightly.
Is this an online program?

All courses are offered in-person on UNT's Denton campus.