In any given semester, there are multiple dates and deadlines set by UNT of which to be aware. We strongly encouraging bookmarking this page for each semester ( AND marking these dates in your personal planner/calendar app. Some (not all) important dates to keep in mind:

  • The beginning and end of registration (be prepared to receive emails from students prior to the first day of class and check email frequently during the last few days of registration for late add requests)
    • If a student approaches you wanting to add your class after Late Registration has ended, we cannot guarantee this can be approved. Please contact Laura Coleman if this occurs.  If a student contacts you wanting to add your course during an approved registration period and your course is full and closed, ask that student to place themselves on the wait list through their MyUNT page. Requests to add students over an enrollment cap may only be approved by department office. 
  • On the first day of class, plan to meet the entire class time. In addition to reviewing course requirements, plan activities that allow the students to interact with you and each other so you can all get to know each other. Introduce course content so they are able to know what the course is about. The first day of class is just that - the first day for the class. Use it.
  • Office of Disability Accommodation:
    • Students who are registered with the ODA office may need specific accommodations in order to meet assignment deadlines, take exams, etc.  Students in need of accommodation are required to advise you they are registered with ODA and provide you with an official Disability Accommodation Form for you to complete.  This form will document the accommodations you will need to make on behalf of the student.  Do not make accommodations unless the student provides the necessary form from ODA.  Any appropriate accommodations for a student should be discussed as discretely/privately as possible and held in confidence from other students to the extent possible. 
  • Early Alert Response System (EARS)
    • EARS is a campus-wide early notification system to identify at-risk students (those that have not attended class or have attended sporadically, are currently failing, have had no communication, etc).  Instructors can put in an Early Alert through their class rosters. The goal of EARS is to actively provide students with a link to the university through academic intervention, advising, and campus resource referrals.
  • Drop deadlines: this includes dropping with an automatic W (no impact on GPA), dropping with a W or WF as designated by instructor (WF counts as an F toward the GPA calculation), and withdrawing (dropping all courses in a specific semester or summer session). There are other drop dates to receive different refund amounts (this is more the responsibility of the student, but it is always good to know. Posting these dates in your syllabus is recommended)
    • You should be aware of the drop deadline and plan to be in your office on that date. 
    • Tip: The week before the deadline to drop with an automatic W, alert students who are currently failing or in danger of failing individually. Sending out a general reminder is also a good idea (not to encourage dropping, but to make sure they are aware).
    • The day of any drop deadline, make sure to be in your office area and check email multiple times for last minute requests.
    • Requests to drop after the deadline has passed may only be approved by the department office. 
    • Enrolled students must notify the Dean of Students Office of their intent to withdraw from the university (drop all courses in which they are enrolled in for a given semester). Procedures and deadlines for dropping or withdrawing are available in the Dean of Students Office or online at    
    • Instructors may drop a student with a grade of WF from courses for nonattendance. A WF may be assigned from the 7th through the 13th week of classes of long terms/semesters or corresponding dates for summer sessions (specific dates are published in the online academic calendar).  If you believe this is appropriate for a student, consult with your course supervisor. 
  • Audit rolls
    • Audit rolls are required by UNT and are completed by the instructor of record on MyUNT page- usually due around the 12th class day. Audit rolls serve to verify a student has been attending your class so you need to take attendance in every class session until the Audit Roles are submitted. Compare your Class Roster on MyUNT with any attendance forms you are using (Blackboard does not always sync up with your official class roster, so always use roster).
  • Incompletes
    • Incompletes should be very rare.  Per UNT policy, they are reserved for students who are passing a course up until a specific date (always after the drop deadline), and an emergency has prevented them from completing the very end of the course/final assignments. Students cannot request an Incomplete before the designated date, if they are not currently passing, or do not have a documented emergency. (There are always shades of grey with who is eligible to request an incomplete. Always check with your course supervisor before responding to the student). 
    • If an incomplete is assigned, make sure it is documented appropriately and that the plan to finish the course requirements is one that you can oversee and complete. 
  • Final Exams
    • You must give a final exam on the scheduled final exam day (see scheduled days/times at There are no exceptions to this. Students may request through the Dean's office to have an alternative schedule for an exam if they document having 3 exams scheduled on the same day. 
    • In Fall and Spring semesters, UNT declares a Pre-finals Week always during the week before final exams.  The UNT policy regarding pre-finals week is as follows: 

To help students adequately prepare for their final exams, special rules apply to the 7 days preceding the final week of each fall and spring semester. On the Thursday and Friday of the week immediately preceding final exams, review classes will be held. Also, attendance at these reviews cannot be made mandatory, and there will be no papers, projects, exams, quizzes, or like assignments due on those days. This policy will not be applicable to classes that meet once a week or meet only on Thursday and Friday.  Student organizations do not meet, and activities requiring student participation such as field trips; athletic events; or performances by dance, drama, or music ensembles are not scheduled unless approved in advance by the appropriate dean. Themes, reports, notebooks, research problems, or exercises of similar scope are not to be assigned during this period, but students may submit previously assigned work. Only exams covering daily assignments, make-up tests, or laboratory exams may be given. Faculty members shall not give any portion of the final exam during this seven-day period without advance approval from their academic dean.

  • Grade Reporting
    • Grades are entered through MyUNT and are usually due by 1PM the Monday following exam week each term. Early submittal of grades is encouraged (students appreciate this, and also staff who get hourly reports on which instructors have not submitted yet). 
  • Research
    • Students in your class may not be included as participants in any research project conducted by you or anyone else unless UNT IRB approval is obtained first, evidence of such approval provided to you, and consent letters provided to students.