The College of Education partners with public school teachers and administrators to provide guided and gradual induction into classroom teaching working collaboratively with partner schools to provide field-based programs for both undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students seeking initial certification in elementary and secondary levels.
Early Field Experience & Clinical Teaching
- Art Education Clinical Practice Application (For undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students): Click here to access application
- Music Education and Teach North Texas Application for Clinical Teaching: Click here to access application
- Post-Baccalaureate Early Field Experiences and Clinical Teaching: Click here to access application
- Block B and Early Field Experiences (For undergraduate students enrolling in Block B, EDCI 4840, and KINE 4100/4101 in Fall 2025)
**This is a two-step process:
1. Fill out the Clinical practice application: Click here to access application
2. Complete the Qualification Agreement: Click here to access the Qualification Agreement
After you are assigned to a district, you will be required to complete a district based background check.
Handbooks & Resources
- Block B Handbook (Coming Soon)
- Clinical Practice Handbook (Coming Soon)
Clinical Practice Office Appeal Procedures (Open February 3rd - March 2nd)
If you need to submit an appeal to the Director of Clinical Practice, you can do so by submitting the appeal form: Click here to access the form
You should only submit an appeal if you would like to request a different placement.
Frequently Asked Questions
During your clinical teaching semester you will report to your assigned public school with your assigned cooperating teacher as if you were the teacher of that classroom. Clinical teaching courses do not meet on the UNT campus. If you are an undergraduate elementary student participating in a Professional Development School, then you will be required to attend seminars scheduled by your PDS Coordinator.
Although clinical teaching is six credit hours you should consider yourself a full-time student because you are expected to be on your assigned campus all day five days a week. While on a field campus in a school district you are required to keep the contract hours for all employed teachers on that campus. You may need to stay after school to prepare lessons you will be teaching, attend meetings or attend school sponsored functions.