Evaluation Rubric for Teacher Work Sample

National Standards









INTASC 1,2,3 

1. Contextual Factors

Forms completed with detailed descriptions of classroom conditions.

Forms missing any information; vague description of classroom conditions. I have questions about the Work Sample

Forms missing more than half the information; no classroom conditions described.


INTASC 4,5,6


Learning Goals, Objectives, TEKS & ELPS

All 5 lessons contain CCSS/ LGs, objectives & activities. Assessment tools aligned with objectives & instruction. Uses results of assessment to guide and modify instruction.

All 5 lessons contain CCSS/ LGs, objectives & activities. Most assess. tools aligned with objectives & instruction. Uses results of assessment to guide instruction.

Fewer than five lessons contain CCSS/LGs, objectives & activities. Describes some assessment tools but not aligned with objectives and instruction.


INTASC 6,7,9

3, 4, 5

Instruction Plan  and Assessment Plan

Work Sample describes the pre- and post-assessment method(s).  Summative assessment is performance and requires HOTS. Pre- and post-assessments are analyzed and efforts to remediate unsuccessful students included. Detailed information provided about communication and follow-up. All responses are detailed and logical.

Describes the assessment plan for the Work Sample. Describes the pre- and post-assessment method(s).  Summative assessment is not performance but requires HOTS. Pre- and post- assessments are analyzed and efforts to remediate unsuccessful students included. Information provided about communication & follow-up.

Describes the assessment plan for the Work Sample. Describes the pre- and post- assessment method(s).  Summative assessment is not performance nor requires HOTS. Pre- and post- assessments are analyzed but efforts to remediate unsuccessful students not included. Responses are vague with little supporting verbiage.


INTASC 4,5,6,7,8

5,6, 7

Analysis of Student Work & Description of Instruction

Graphs of Pre and Post Assessments are posted and individual student progress is described. At least three lessons include hands-on activities, at least two lessons contain cooperative grouping, and teaching strategies other than lecture are used.

Graphs of Pre and Post Assessments are posted and some student progress is described. At least two lessons include hands-on activities & 1 lesson with cooperative grouping. Other valid teaching strategies are used, but lecture dominates 2 or more lessons.

Graphs of Pre & Post Assessments are missing or student progress is not described. Lessons include very little hands-on activities or cooperative grouping. Lecture dominates lessons.





The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and examines evidence to evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of choices and actions on others. The teacher adapts his/her practice to meet the needs of each learner.

The teacher examines evidence to evaluate his/her practices, particularly the effects of choices and actions on others. The teacher makes an effort to adapt his/her practice to meet the needs of each learner.

The teacher does a poor job reflecting, examining, and evaluating his/her practices and the effects of choices and actions on others. The teacher makes little effort to adapt his/her practice to meet the needs of each learner.