Appendix D:

UNT EPP Stages of Intervention

The teacher candidate, cooperating teacher, cadre coordinator should work collaboratively and be involved in the stages of intervention. Part of learning is being given an opportunity to work out the solution to correct one's own mistakes without overreacting. However, concerns and problems begin to persist or form a pattern, respond sooner rather than later. Documentation, even before determining the most appropriate response, is important.  Record specific observed behaviors that indicate a cause for concern, especially about a candidate's potential for program completion and/or success as a teacher.  It may be difficult to recall the specifics later. Infractions of school, district, university, or Texas Education Agency policies/guidelines or applicable laws may warrant the skipping of certain Stages of Intervention.

Stage One Intervention: Informal

  1. The first step should be to meet privately with the teacher candidate to address the issue honestly.
  2. Be specific about naming the observed behavior/s and explaining your concerns about how the behavior may/does impact the clinical teacher's potential to be successful.
  3. Listen to understand the teacher candidate's perspective.
  4. Suggest solutions and specific steps, strategies, behaviors he/she/they can take to improve.
  5. Follow up to discuss progress.
  6. Document the concerns, suggestions made, and observed progress.

Stage Two Intervention: Growth Plan

  • If problems persist, a written Growth Plan should be completed.  If a Growth Plan is warranted, contact the UNT Director of Clinical Practice to initiate and implement the Growth Plan.
  • Prior to the Growth Plan being initiated, the cooperating teacher and cadre coordinator should have completed and submitted at least one DIFT-C.
  • Once the Growth Plan is complete, the Director of Clinical Practice will schedule a meeting with the teacher candidate to review the Growth Plan and obtain necessary signatures.
  • Copies should be provided for the teacher candidate, the cooperating teacher, and the cadre coordinator.
  • Meet again on the designated dates to review progress.

Stage Three Intervention: Probation Contract

  • In situations where no resolution to issues is reached, and/or the teacher candidate fails to respond to the Growth Plan, a Probation Contract may be required.
  • A Probation Contract cannot be initiated or implemented without the involvement of the Director of Clinical Practice.
  • Contact the Director of Clinical Practice and provide all written documentation. The Director of Clinical Practice will then initiate the Probation Contract process.

Stage Four Intervention: Suspension of or Termination from Clinical Practice


  1. If a student is removed for reasons other than self-initiated termination of participation in clinical practice, he/she/they may (depending on the circumstances leading to dismissal from Block B) be required to repeat some or all of the Block B courses and/or field experience.  A candidate may or may not be permitted to repeat the Block B semester.
  • In addition to all UNT policies and codes governing students, UNT teacher candidates are held to all policies and rules in the Clinical Teaching Handbook and to the Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators as printed in the Texas Administrative Code.
  • Clinical Teachers/Teacher Candidates shall also comply with state regulations, written local school board policies, and other applicable state and federal laws. The College of Education will remove students from their field placement assignments if the university determines that the student has violated such policies and procedures.
  • A teacher candidate may also be removed at the request of the school district. A School District representative will notify UNT of any teacher candidate conduct that violates the policies of the School District or the Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators. In the event a teacher candidate is to be suspended or dismissed from any placement, the School District will follow the Procedures for Suspension and termination in this Handbook and consult with UNT before finalizing such action, unless immediate removal is required by law.
  • The candidate may also request termination of the Clinical Practice experience for medical or personal reasons. In these instances, the Change in Status Agreement Form is not considered a disciplinary measure.
  • Other than the teacher candidate, only the Director of Clinical Practice or the Associate Dean for Educator Preparation can initiate a Suspension or Change in Status Agreement.


Clinical Practice is based on a cooperative relationship between the University of North Texas, cooperating school districts, cooperating teachers, and the teacher candidate.  The expected outcome of clinical experience is that the teacher candidate demonstrates the expected knowledge, skills, and dispositions required to be recommended for certification. Occasionally, there are circumstances that warrant the termination of the clinical experience. 

Termination may be initiated by the teacher candidate, the school district, or the University of North Texas.  When such action is deemed necessary, reasons may include, but are not limited to any of the following:


  • Mutual consent and agreement for termination by the teacher candidate, cooperating teacher, and/or cadre coordinator for reasons of illness, injury, or other unforeseen factors.
  • Failure by the teacher candidate to demonstrate/provide required evidence of potential for success as a teacher.
  • Failure by the teacher candidate to abide by the policies of:  The Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators, the Texas Education Agency, the State Board for Educator Certification, the University of North Texas, the cooperating school, and/or the cooperating school district, rules governing educator preparation, UNT, policies the cooperating school, or cooperating school district.
  • Unprofessional conduct towards the host school faculty/administration and/or students/parents.

PROCEDURES FOR TERMINATION (for Reasons 2-4 above)

The following procedures are required for termination of the clinical teaching assignment:

  • The teacher candidate shall be timely informed by the cooperating teacher and/or university supervisor/cadre coordinator of any unsatisfactory performance.  (See Stage One Intervention.) This shall be done through a written evaluation from the university supervisor/cadre coordinator, a joint conference between all three, and/or written documentation of any infractions of performance, school policy or professionalism. Verbal suggestions should be documented in writing.
  • When it is evident that a teacher candidate does not follow through with prescribed verbal and written suggestions for improvement, a formal Growth Plan shall be initiated by the Director of Clinical Practice in coordination with the university supervisor/cadre coordinator and/or cooperating teacher and discussed in a conference with the candidate.  The Growth Plan must be signed by the candidate, the university supervisor/cadre coordinator and/or the Director of Clinical Practice or the Associate Dean for Educator preparation.
  • Within one-week following the Growth Plan conference, the teacher candidate, cooperating teacher, university supervisor/cadre coordinator, and/or Director of Clinical Practice will confer regarding candidate progress. Scheduled follow-up meetings with the candidate will be conducted.
  • If expected progress has not been demonstrated, a formal Probation Contract may then be executed, with a clear time limit for compliance.  A copy will be submitted to the candidate, the school principal, and to the Admission, Review, and Retention (ARR) Committee by the Director of Clinical Practice.
  • The university supervisor/cadre coordinator, ARR Chair, or teacher candidate may request that the Director of Clinical Practice conduct an observation and evaluation.  A conference of all parties will follow.
  • When the teacher candidate is placed on a probation contract and re-evaluation indicates unfavorable progress, the teacher candidate will meet with the Director of Clinical Practice and/or the ARR Chair and/or the Associate Dean for Educator Preparation to discuss possible options.  Options are considered on a case-by-case basis. Some options that may be considered include the following:
    • Withdrawal from Block B, with the option to reapply for Block B. 
    • Withdrawal from the UNT Educator Preparation Program, with the decision to transfer to another college within the University to pursue a different degree.  (Withdrawal will be allowed only if it is prior to the end of the drop date for the semester.)
    • Termination of Block B.   The final termination decision is made by the appropriate ARR Committee following official ARR procedures/policies.
  • If the teacher candidate is to be terminated from the Educator Preparation Program or Block B, he/she/they will be given a letter stating the decision, the reasons for the termination, and whether an opportunity to reapply will be permitted.  This letter is generated by the Director of Clinical Practice and approved by the Associate Dean for Educator Preparation before dissemination.
  • The final decision to terminate a teacher candidate is the responsibility of the ARR Committee and/or Associate Dean for Educator Preparation.  This decision will be based upon documentation from the school principal, cooperating teacher, university supervisor/cadre coordinator, and/or the teacher candidate. 


If a candidate wishes to contest the decision to terminate his/her/their participation in the placement and/or the UNT Educator Preparation Program, the following procedures are required:

  1. The teacher candidate must submit a written appeal to the College of Education Admission, Review, and Retention (ARR) committee.
  2. The ARR chairperson will convene the committee to process the appeal. 
  3. The committee will review the case consisting of written evaluations, growth and probation contracts, written documentation of clinical teacher infractions, the procedures followed by the university supervisor/cadre coordinator and cooperating teacher, and the appeal letter from the clinical teacher.
  4. The committee will vote to accept or reject the appeal.  The Director of Clinical Practice will meet with the teacher candidate to inform him/her of the decision and recommendation of the committee.  A written copy of the decision will be given to the teacher candidate and the Associate Dean for Educator Preparation.
  5. The decision may be appealed to the Associate Dean for Educator Preparation.