
Summaries of ELPS

Introduction, District Responsibilities and Student Expectations*

(subsection a,b,c)


District Responsibilities

a1: Part of required curriculum for each subject including proficiency standards and level descriptors

a2: ELLs need social and academic English language proficiency to be successful

a3: Instruction must integrate social and academic English in content areas

a4: ELLs must read, write, listen, and speak in increasing complexity

a5: Student Expectations of ELPS apply to K-12 students a6: Level descriptors are not grade specific and serve as a road map.

b1: Identify students’ proficiency levels using proficiency level descriptors

b2: Provide linguistically accommodated content instruction (communicated, sequenced, scaffolded)

b3: Provide linguistically accommodated content-based language instruction

b4: Focused, targeted, and systematic language instruction for beginning and intermediate ELLs (Grade 3 or higher)

Learning Strategies

c1A: Use prior knowledge to learn new language

c1B: Monitor language with self-corrective techniques to internalize language

c1C: Use techniques to learn new vocabulary/p>

c1D: Speak using learning strategies

c1E: Use and reuse new basic and academic language to internalize language

c1F: Use accessible language to learn new language

c1G: Distinguish formal and informal English

c1H: Expand repertoire of language learning strategies



c2A: Distinguish sound and intonation

c2B: Recognize English sound system in new vocabulary c2C: Learn new language heard in classroom interactions and instruction

c2D: Monitor understanding and seek clarification

c2E: Use visual, contextual linguistic support to confirm and enhance understanding

c2F: Derive meaning from a variety of media

c2G: Understand general meaning, main points, and details c2H: Understand implicit ideas and information

c2I: Demonstrate listening comprehension

c3A: Practice using English sound system in new vocabulary

c3B: Use new vocabulary in stories, descriptions, and classroom communication

c3C: Speak using a variety of sentence structures

c3D: Speak using grade level content area vocabulary in context

c3E: Share in cooperative groups

c3F: Ask and give information using high-frequency and content area vocabulary

c3G: Express opinions, ideas and feelings c3H: Narrate, describe and explain

c3I: Adapt spoken language for formal and informal purposes

c3J: Respond orally to information from a variety of media sources



c4A: Learn relationships of sounds and letters in English

c4B: Recognize directionality of English text

c4C: Develop sight vocabulary and language structures c4D: Use prereading supports

c4E: Read linguistically accommodated content area materials

c4F: Use visual and contextual supports to read text

c4G: Show comprehension of English text individually and in groups

c4H: Read silently with comprehension

c4I: Show comprehension through basic reading skills c4J: Show comprehension through inferential skills c4K: Show comprehension through analytical skills

c5A: Learn relationships between sounds and letters when writing

c5B: Write using newly acquired vocabulary c5C: Spell familiar English words

c5D: Edit writing

c5E: Employ complex grammatical structures

c5F: Write using variety of sentence structures and words

c5G: Narrate, describe, and explain in writing

* These summaries must be used in conjunction with actual cross curricular stud ent expectations when planning instruction.

© Canter Press, 2008. Created by John Seidlitz. All Rights Reserved.