The TExES Success Office serves current and former UNT students who are in the process of preparing for their educator certification exams, including the TExES, AAFCS, and PASL. To best utilize our website, begin with the Getting Started section for information on setting up your TEAL Account, current testing policies, and information about required certification exams.
Getting Started
Preparing for Exams
Spring 2025 Regular Office hours: Monday - Friday; 8am - 5pm
Spring 2025 Saturday Availability:
If you need help locating resources or need to talk to our office about your exams, please schedule a time to meet with us by emailing We are available to meet in-person on the Denton campus or via Zoom. Please include the best days and times in your email and if you prefer in-person or via Zoom.
We also have a dedicated study room available in Matthews Hall, Room 208 that is open during our regular office hours and during the times mentioned above for the 1st Saturdays of each month this Spring semester. No appointment is needed, but it is recommended you email to ensure it will be available.
Accommodated testing requests for the practice exams must be made prior to accessing the practice exams. Send your request to and include your name, UNT ID number, and specific accommodations you are requesting. If you plan to request accommodations for your real TExES exams, please plan ahead!! It can take six weeks or longer for your request to be approved by the Pearson testing company. For more information about requesting accommodations for your real exam, please visit the Pearson Texas Educator Certification Examination Program website.
Texas Administrative Code, §230.21(e) specifies the state laws for certification requirements, including certification exams, which UNT must abide by. All candidates for either an initial teaching certificate or an advanced professional certificate are required by Texas law to pass all certification exams aligned with the certification being sought. The UNT Educator Preparation Program cannot recommend a candidate for any certificate until they have passed all their tests.
All certification candidates should be aware that standards for certification are revised by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) periodically. This means that certification exams and certificate requirements also change. While UNT endeavors to communicate all upcoming changes to current and former students via email and on the TExES Success Office webpage, it is the responsibility of each certification candidate to stay current on exam changes and certification requirements.
Required Certification Exams
Exam Approval
Exam approval is required before a candidate will be able to register for any official certification exam. In order to receive test approval for the TExES, AAFCS, or PASL exam required by their certification program, candidates should identify and follow the steps below as they relate to their certification program. Please be advised: UNT can only grant exam approval for exams directly related to each candidate's certification program. After a candidate has graduated and earned their initial certificate, the Texas Education Agency does allow “certification by exam” for teachers who wish to become certified in additional areas.
Advanced Certificate Candidates (Principal, Superintendent, School Librarian, School Counselor, and Educational Diagnostician) are granted exam approval after they have been fully admitted by their program area and have met any program-specific requirements for exam approval. You should correspond directly with your program advisor about your requirements. Your program advisor will submit your eligibility to test to the TExES Success Office, who will then grant you test approval.
Principal candidates seeking test approval for the Principal as Instructional Leader (268) exam must complete a practice exam and have the scores reviewed by Dr. Duncan to determine eligibility for the real exam. Please reach out to Dr. Duncan directly about options for the practice exam or additional information.
Principal candidates seeking test approval for the PASL (368) exam must submit both of the following items for review by the program facilitator and practicum instructor:
Principal candidates who do not receive a passing overall score after the first submission are eligible to resubmit any or all three tasks for a fee during the two resubmission windows. If a passing score is not achieved in either of the resubmission windows, candidates must work with their program facilitator and practicum instructor for remediation before additional approval to submit will be granted.
School Librarian candidates seeking test approval for the School Librarian (150) exam must follow the steps below to receive test approval:
School Librarian candidates who do not pass the real TExES exam must visit with their INFO 5090 faculty to develop a study plan using additional study materials.
Superintendent candidates will be granted test approval for the Superintendent (195) exam after all courses, including EDLE 6033, have been successfully complete. The program coordinator will automatically transmit candidates' eligibility to test to the TExES Success Office, who will then grant test approval.
School Counselor candidates will be granted test approval for the School Counselor (252) exam after all required courses are complete and student has successfully enrolled in COUN 5720. The program coordinator will automatically transmit candidates' eligibility to test to the TExES Success Office, who will then grant test approval.
Educational Diagnostician candidates will be granted test approval for the Educational Diagnostician (253) exam after all required courses are complete and student has successfully enrolled in EDSP 5540. The program coordinator will automatically transmit candidates' eligibility to test to the TExES Success Office, who will then grant test approval.
Clinical Practice Requirements & Deadlines for Teacher Candidates
Clinical Teaching Semester | Exam Deadline |
Fall Semester | July 15th |
Spring Semester | December 15th |
TExES Exam Attempt Limits
Current law states that a candidate for any certificate is limited to five (5) total
attempts to pass each of their required certification exams. Candidates who are unsuccessful
after their fifth attempt must request additional attempts through a test-limit waiver
submitted to the Texas Education Agency.
UNT candidates will receive test approval for their first exam attempt after achieving the appropriate benchmarks as listed under the Exam Approval requirements in item 1 above. Candidates who do not pass their actual certification exams will be granted successive testing attempts based upon a tiered remediation system established by UNT's Educator Preparation Office, unless their program has specific policies in place (i.e., Principal and School Librarian). Students will receive an email from the TExES Success Office following the release of their exam scores that will outline the options they can choose from in order to complete their remediation requirement.
All candidates should be aware of the costs associated with certification upon admission to the Educator Preparation program at UNT and begin to plan their finances accordingly. Students who receive financial aid can speak with a Financial Aid counselor about a Cost of Attendance Adjustment or financial aid loan to help pay for these costs. Fees are subject to change at the discretion of the State Board for Educator Certification.
Computer-Administer Test Overview - Tutorial that will prepare you for how the test will be administered, and how your screen may look the day of the exam.
What to Expect - Video on what to expect from checking in on test day, to completing your exam.
Preparing for the TExES Exams - A guide on how to prepare and study for the exams.
TExES Exam Question Formats - An explanation of the types of questions you can expect to see on your certification
Student's Guide to Improving Study Skills - How to assess and advance your study habits.
Understanding the Land of TExES - Three-part video series that breaks down the history, language, and culture of the TExES exams so that you can better understand your exams.
Five Star Study App - Five Star has released Notebooks that can be scanned by their Study App so you can automatically turn your notes into flashcards!
Two forms of ID
If your name does NOT match, do not register for your exam before you change your name with TEA.
Steps to Submit Name Change Request
If you graduated from UNT but did not complete certification requirements before your exams or certification program expired, please contact the TExES Success Office in order to determine your eligibility to take the new certification exams. Please be aware that if your program has had significant changes (i.e.., EC-4 to EC-6) UNT may be unable to grant you approval to the new certification exams. Please include your full name as it was when you attended UNT and either your UNT ID number or TEA ID number so that we may locate your records for review. In most cases, you will be required to complete a practice exam prior to receiving test approval. The TExES Success Office will review the age of your coursework and provide options for you to choose from.
If you completed the Principal program but did not obtain your certification prior to 9/1/2019, please email for the requirements to obtain test approval for the new Principal as Instructional Leader (268) exam and PASL (368) assessment.
Please contact the TExES Success Office and include your name and UNT ID number or TEA ID number so that we may access your records. If our office does not have your certification plan on file, we will provide you with further instructions before test approval can be granted
Every student who is admitted to an Education Preparation Program must create an Educator Profile through the Texas Education Agency's (TEA) Educator Certification Online System (ECOS). TEAL is your personal gateway into TEA's system where you will apply for teaching certificates, renew your certificates, print copies of your certificates, and view the certification exams you have taken. Whenever the Texas Education Agency needs to contact you, they will use the contact information contained in your profile, so it is important that you keep your phone number, home address, and email address current.
Complete STEPS 1 and 2 to establish your TEAL Educator Account. Read the instructions carefully.
Complete the following additional steps if you see the "Apply for Access" link instead of the "View My Educator Certification Account" link after logging on to TEAL.
You are now in your TEAL Educator Profile! On the left, you will see a menu with various options, including Applications. At the end of your graduating semester, if you have completed all requirements and passed your certification exams, you will navigate back to this screen and use the Applications tab to apply for certification. You will also use this profile to renew your educator certificates every five years, or add additional certifications for any exams you complete beyond your initial certification program. Do not apply for certification until you meet all eligibility requirements. A list of requirements can be found at /educator-preparation-office/educator-certification along with instructions for how to apply for certification at the end of your graduating semester.
You will not use your Educator Profile to register for your certification exams. You will need to create a testing account to register for all of your certification exams. We have a step-by-step guide on how to create your testing account and register for your actual certification exams at /texes/exam-registration-guide.
Candidates seeking Principal as Instructional Leader certification must have program approval to take the Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) assessment. Please contact your advisor in Educational Leadership to determine your eligibility for the PASL. Most candidates will be eligible to register for the PASL within their Internship semester.
The PASL assessment allows you to show how you apply the knowledge and skills needed to begin working as an effective school leader. You will likely complete the PASL assessment tasks during your Internship semester. The tasks focus on addressing a problem/challenge, developing continuous professional development, and building a collaborative culture. The PASL assessment will help determine if you're prepared to enter a school leadership position and is aligned with national and state-specific school leader standards.
For more information, please visit
After you have received test approval from the Educational Leadership program, you will be able to register for the PASL through your ETS Account. If you do not have an ETS account, you will need to create an account. Once you have logged into your account, you will be able to select the PASL exam and the submission window. You will select Texas and University of North Texas when asked which Educator Preparation Program is requiring you to take the assessment. Choose up to four recipients to receive your scores, then answer the background questions and pay for the exam. You will be able to access the assessment through your ETS account when the submission window opens.
For information on how to register for the exam, including fees, dates, and submission deadlines, please visit
For PASL Assessment resources and test prep, including handbooks and guides, please visit
The TExES Special Education EC-12 exam will be sunsetting in 2025. The last day candidates can take the current Special Education EC-12 (161) is August 31, 2025. The new TExES Special Education Specialist EC-12 (186) exam will be released in September 2025 and will replace the current SPED (161) exam. Former students, current undergraduate students enrolled in Blocks B and C in Spring 2025, and IMPACT students who will begin Internship or Clinical Teaching in Fall 2025 are the only students who are eligible for the current Special Education EC-12 (161).
Candidates who pass the current Special Education EC-12 (161) exam must complete all remaining course requirements by May 2026 and pass any remaining certification exams before August 1, 2026. You must submit your application for certification and be recommended by UNT no later than noon on August 31, 2026 to use the current Special Education EC-12 (161) exam for certification.
Any candidate who does not pass the Special Education EC-12 (161) by August 31, 2025 or does not submit their application for certification and receive a recommendation by August 31, 2026 will be required to complete the new Special Education Specialist EC-12 (186) exam as part of their certification requirements.