Materials for all candidates

  • TEKS Standards - The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills are the standards that your state certification exams are testing you over. Do you know what TEKS you will be responsible to teach or how to align them to each grade level? Being familiar with the TEKS will not only help you on your exams, but will help prepare you for your teaching career.
  • Work Backwards Test Strategy - Kathleen Jasper describes an excellent strategy for how to answer test questions by working backwards. This video should be watched in conjunction with her Good Words, Bad Words video.
  • The Learning Liaisons TExES Test Prep offer for UNT Denton. Use the code UNT25 for 25% off your test prep purchase. Online. On-Demand. 90% Pass Rate. Clear up your teacher certification test confusion with premium online video boot camps. The Learning Liaisons' video trainings feature real teachers who have been in your shoes and know your frustrations. Choose your prep and pass your test! #WHENYOUPASS
  • 240 Tutoring - Online, comprehensive study guides, flashcards, and practice exams that are guaranteed to prepare a student for their certification exams. Email for an invite to the site and receive a discount of the normal price. You must use your UNT email address. Students who ask for the discount will pay a monthly subscription of $25 and will have access to every study guide offered by 240 Tutoring. The normal price is $39.99/mo. You can cancel at any time.
    Please be aware that this site does not have every content area available.
  • Certify Teacher - Interactive practice exams, study materials, flashcards, and more. UNT Students can receive a discount on products by using their UNT email address and the promotion code UNT4728. This code is only valid for UNT students.
    Please be aware that this site does not have every content area available.
  • Passage Preparation - Online courses designed by subject-matter experts to help candidates study for and pass their certification exams. Subscriptions start at $30/month for individual courses or $45/month for bundled courses. 
  • — Videos, quizzes, and study guides for educator candidates in various subject areas. .
  • Mometrix - Offers a selection of study guides and flash cards for TExES certification exams.
  • Mometrix Academy - Use the free TExES practice test questions for select exams to get a better understanding of the TExES exam.
  • Pass the TExES - Offers books and e-books for a wide selection of TExES certification exams.
  • Quizlet - Learning tools and flashcards for a variety of TExES exams. Search by your exam name and number (ex. TExES Core Subjects EC-6 291) to find various resources.
  • IRIS - Modules and topics covering information about assessment, dyslexia, reading comprehension, and more.
  • The TExES Success Office has study books available that students may check out at no charge to help them prepare for their exams. Due to limited availability, students are asked to only check materials out for 30 days at a time. Student who need the materials longer may ask for an extension if there is not a waiting list. Please call or email to find out if your book is available.

PPR EC-12 Resources

  • TExES PPR EC-12 (160) 5e Book+Online Test Package — Package include a diagnostic test to identify areas of need, a study book, and 3 full-length practice tests that feature timed testing conditions, automatic scoring, and detailed answer explanations.
  • Free PPR EC-12 Course -- Offered by Passage Preparation, this course is self-paced and covers all the main content you can expect to be tested on. There is also a practice assessment to test your knowledge. 
  • Work Backwards Test Strategy - Kathleen Jasper describes an excellent strategy for how to answer test questions by working backwards. This video should be watched in conjunction with her Good Words, Bad Words video.
  • PPR EC-12 Video Review — Video with 40 sample PPR EC-12 exam questions and answer rationales. Take the quiz along with the narrator, pausing after each question and answer choice is given, then resume play after you have selected your answer to hear the correct answer choice and rationale. 
  • PPR EC-12 Preparation Manual and Interactive Practice Exam - Review the exam framework, sample questions, and take a $10 interactive practice exam.
  • T-CERT - Texas Certification Exam Review created to help TExES candidates pass their certification exams. $30 for 60 day access to all modules on the site.

EC-6 and 4-8 candidates - ELAR

  • TExES Core Subjects EC-6 (291) Book + Online Practice Exams - Package contains study book with all five subject areas, online diagnostic test to identify areas of need, and two full-length practice exams that feature automatic timing and scoring, as well as diagnostic feedback on every question.
  • T-CERT - Texas Certification Exam Review created to help TExES candidates pass their certification exams. $30 for 60 day access to all modules on the site.
  • 240 Tutoring Subject Area Videos - Videos to help prepare for the ELARMathSocial Studies, and Science domains of the Core Subjects EC-6 exam.
  • TExES Core Subjects EC-6 Review with Kathleen Jasper - Two part video series on ELAR, plus a video on tips for the Math domain.
  • Texas Teacher Today: Core Subjects - Online resources, practice exams, and tutoring for the Core EC-6 exam.
  • Oral Language - Understanding Its Components and Impact on Reading Instruction.
  • Phonics and Word Recognition - Instruction in Early Reading Programs: Guidelines for Children with Reading Disabilities
  • Fluency 101 - Basics of fluency and resources for teachers.
  • Fluency - Helping Struggling Readers.
  • Language Arts Games - Games designed for K-6+ that help students learn everything from the alphabet to parts of speech and more!
  • Reading 101: A Guide to Teaching Reading and Writing - Self-paced professional development course for teachers that provides them with an in-depth knowledge of reading and writing so they are prepared to guide their students into becoming skilled and enthusiastic readers and writers..
  • Reading 101 - Over 100 short classroom-centered videos on reading subjects to help you with the ELAR section of the EC-6 exam.
  • Glossary of Reading Terms - Helpful terms for the ELAR portion of the Core EC-6 exams.
  • TExES Help: Core EC-6 ELAR and Math - Online courses designed to help you pass the Core EC-6 ELAR and Math domains.
  • Read Write Think - Standards-based ELAR lesson plans for grades K-12.
  • STAAR Exams - Released test questions and answers from grades 3 through high school for Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies, Biology and U.S. History.
  • Khan Academy - Free online review and study for subjects in Math, History, Grammar, Science, and more.
  • Civil Service Practice Questions - Practice questions over grammar, spelling, synonyms, reading comprehension, and arithmetic.

EC-6 and 4-8 candidates - Math

  • TExES Core Subjects EC-6 (291) Book + Online Practice Exams - Package contains study book with all five subject areas, online diagnostic test to identify areas of need, and two full-length practice exams that feature automatic timing and scoring, as well as diagnostic feedback on every question.
  • TExES Mathematics 4-8 (115), 2nd Ed., Book + Online Practice - Package includes comprehensive review guide and two full-length practice tests (in the book and online). The online tests are offered in a timed format with automatic scoring and diagnostic feedback to help you zero in on the topics and types of questions that give you trouble now, so you can succeed on test day.
  • T-CERT - Texas Certification Exam Review created to help TExES candidates pass their certification exams. $30 for 60 day access to all modules on the site.
  • Math Flash Cards - Practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • Math Games - Pick a grade level and learn through math games!
  • Math Formula Sheet - A quick reference sheet for area, perimeter, surface area and volume, data, and algebraic formulas.
  • Mathway - Provides students with the tools they need to understand and solve their math problems.
  • Numer Systems - Naturals, Integers, Rationals, Irrationals, Reals, and Beyond
  • Fact Monster Math - Games, flashcards, roman numerals, prime numbers, multiplication, and more.
  • Quick Math - Stuck on how to solve problems? Use quick math to see how to solve it, and find tutorials that teach you more about the concepts.
  • 240 Tutoring Subject Area Videos - Videos to help prepare for the ELARMathSocial Studies, and Science domains of the Core Subjects EC-6 exam.
  • Texas Teacher Today: Core Subjects - Online resources, practice exams, and tutoring for the Core EC-6 exam.
  • TExES Help: Core EC-6 ELAR and Math - Online courses designed to help you pass the Core EC-6 ELAR and Math domains.
  • Math Progression Videos - Videos for early number & counting, addition & subtraction, progression of division and multiplication, and fractions.
  • Math Antics - Free video lessons from basic arithmetic and fractions to geometry and algebra basics.
  • Math Help - Videos and lessons on math subjects from 5th grade math to algebra 2.
  • That Tutor Guy - Video library by Stanford graduate with ten years professional tutoring experience. Lessons include middle school math, pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, trig, college algebra, pre-calculus, calculus, statistics, chemistry and physics.
  • STAAR Exams - Released test questions and answers from grades 3 through high school for Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies, Biology and U.S. History.
  • Praxis Core Math Review - Lessons over number and quantity, statistics and probability, algebra, and geometry.
  • Pre-K to 8th Grade Math Units - Quick units on math from pre-K level to 8th grade, including algebraic thinking, geometry, variables and expressions, and more.
  • Civil Service Practice Questions - Practice questions over grammar, spelling, synonyms, reading comprehension, and arithmetic.

EC-6 and 4-8 candidates - Social Studies

  • TExES Core Subjects EC-6 (291) Book + Online Practice Exams - Package contains study book with all five subject areas, online diagnostic test to identify areas of need, and two full-length practice exams that feature automatic timing and scoring, as well as diagnostic feedback on every question.
  • 240 Tutoring Subject Area Videos - Videos to help prepare for the ELARMathSocial Studies, and Science domains of the Core Subjects EC-6 exam.
  • TeachWriteLearn - A collection of content videos that cover all competencies of the Social Studies domain for the EC-6 exam, plus a few Science content videos.
  • T-CERT - Texas Certification Exam Review created to help TExES candidates pass their certification exams. $30 for 60 day access to all modules on the site.
  • Texas Teacher Today: Core Subjects - Online resources, practice exams, and tutoring for the Core EC-6 exam.
  • TExES Help: Core EC-6 ELAR and Math - Online courses designed to help you pass the Core EC-6 ELAR and Math domains.
  • Social Studies Review - Comprehensive review guide created by Dr. Dan Krutka to help students find study resources for most of the competencies in the Social Studies domain for the Core Subjects EC-6 exam.
  • Social Studies EC-6 TEKS Guide - Comprehensive guide, compiled by the TExES Success Office, of the Social Studies TEKS broken down by competency area and grade level. This guide will help you identify key topics to study for your TExES exam and offers suggestions of where to find study materials for each topic.
  • Texas History Study Guide - Created by UNT Faculty member Cortney Haynes.
  • Early US History Study Guide - Created by UNT Faculty member Cortney Haynes.
  • Modern US History Study Guide - Created by UNT Faculty member Cortney Haynes.
  • Geography Study Guide - Created by UNT Faculty member Cortney Haynes.
  • Government Study Guide - Created by UNT Faculty member Cortney Haynes.
  • EC-6 Social Studies Competencies & Resources Guide - Created by UNT Faculty member Cortney Haynes.
  • CrashCourse - Short YouTube videos on various subjects such as history, science, and economics. 
  • Mission US - Developed for use by middle school students in the classroom, Mission US provides a learning experience of US history through interactive narrative games and activities.
  • - a leader in helping K-12 history teachers access resources and materials to improve U.S. history education in the classroom.
  • Digital Tools for Process and Skills TEKS - A guide with various links to help students hone skills.
  • STAAR Exams - Released test questions and answers from grades 3 through high school for Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies, Biology and U.S. History.
  • US History - A brief introductory course for US History.
  • Fact Monster US History - Timeline, Declaration of Independence, Lewis and Clark, Territorial Expansion and more!
  • World History Timelines - The 100 Most Significant Events of the Last Thousand Years, an ancient history timeline, world history timelines and more.
  • AP/College US History - 1491 to Present
  • World History Project - Origins to the Present
  • World History Projects - 1750 to Present
  • Texas History Timeline - Story of Texas
  • Texas State Historical Association - Digital gateway to Texas history through a collection of resources.
  • US Government and Civics - Course includes foundations of American democracy, interactions among branches of government, civil liberties and civil rights, citizenship, and more.
  • Civics Practice Test - Test your knowledge of U.S. history, culture, economics and more.
  • U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Exam - 100 questions and answers over American Government, American History, and Civics.
  • Fact Monster World Geography - Brush up on your world geography facts and knowledge.
  • Fact Monster US Geography - Brush up on your US geography facts and knowledge.
  • Fact Monster Government - Brush up on your government facts and knowledge.
  • Fact Monster Laws and Rights - Brush up on your laws and rights facts and knowledge.
  • TEA AP Macroeconomics - is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of a typical one-semester Macroeconomics course. The text provides comprehensive coverage of economic principles, research, and impacts. 
  • TEA AP Microeconomics - covers the scope and sequence requirements of a typical one-semester college-Microeconomics course. The text provides comprehensive coverage of economic principles, research, and impacts.

EC-6 and 4-8 candidates - Science

  • TExES Core Subjects EC-6 (291) Book + Online Practice Exams - Package contains study book with all five subject areas, online diagnostic test to identify areas of need, and two full-length practice exams that feature automatic timing and scoring, as well as diagnostic feedback on every question.
  • 240 Tutoring Subject Area Videos - Videos to help prepare for the ELARMathSocial Studies, and Science domains of the Core Subjects EC-6 exam.
  • TExES Core Subjects EC-6 Science Playlist - A collection of content videos to help you review for the Science domain of the exam.
  • T-CERT - Texas Certification Exam Review created to help TExES candidates pass their certification exams. $30 for 60 day access to all modules on the site.
  • Texas Teacher Today: Core Subjects - Online resources, practice exams, and tutoring for the Core EC-6 exam.
  • Amoeba Sisters - YouTube content creators that demystify a variety of science subjects.
  • Science Games - Games for K - 6+ over the water cycle, states of matter, and more!
  • Five Minute Science - Texas Educator Michael Hayes presents 19 5-minute mini-reviews for the EC-6 science section. He covers topics like lab safety, the scientific method, measurement in science, energy, plate tectonics, matter, reproduction, life cycles, and more.
  • USGS Science Resources for Primary Grade (K-6) - Selected educational resources that may be useful to educators in primary school grade.
  • STAAR Exams - Released test questions and answers from grades 3 through high school for Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies, Biology and U.S. History.
  • Khan Academy Science - Units in biology, chemistry, physics, environmental science, and cosmology and astronomy.

Fine Arts, Music Health, and Physical Education resources

Science of Teaching Reading candidates

>Language Other Than English candidates

ESL and Bilingual Supplemental candidates

  • Bilingual and BTLPT resources - free preparation resources for Texas educators seeking Bilingual certification in order to build capacity in their Local Education Agency (LEA)
  • TExES ESL Supplemental (154) Book + Online Practice - Package includes a study book that contains in-depth reviews of all the competencies tested on the TExES ESL Supplemental (154) exam, and two full-length practice tests offered online in a timed format with instant scoring, diagnostic feedback, and detailed explanations of answers.
  • TExES Bilingual Education Supplemental (164) Book + Online Practice - Package includes comprehensive review of all content categories tested on the TExES Bilingual Education Supplemental exam, diagnostic test (online and in the book) that pinpoints strengths and weaknesses to help focus study, full-length practice test  (online and in the book) based on actual exam questions with answers explained in detail.
  • ESL Review Module - Prepared by Region 10 and presented to attendees of UNT ESL Review sessions.
  • ELPS-TELPAS Proficiency Level Descriptors - Learn the difference between beginner, intermediate, advanced, and advanced high ELLs.
  • Summary of ELPS - Introduction, District Responsibilities, and Student Expectations for English Language Proficiency Standards.
  • ELPS Proficiency Level Descriptors for Instructional Planning - Summary of each proficiency level from beginning to advanced high.
  • ELPS Overview and Strategies - Excellent resource for teachers working with second language learners.
  • Components of Language and Reading Instruction - In-depth chapter reading on language and reading.
  • Stages of Language Proficiency - Chart of the stages of language proficiency from pre-production to intermediate fluency.
  • Colorín, Colorado - Provides free research-based information, activities, and advice to parents, schools, and communities for educators and families of English language learners (ELLs) in Grades PreK-12.
  • Spanish-English Cognates - Comprehensive list of Spanish-English cognates.
  • ESL Printables - A website where English Language teachers exchange resources, worksheets, lesson plans, activities, etc.
  • T-CERT - Texas Certification Exam Review created to help TExES candidates pass their certification exams. $30 for 60 day access to all modules on the site.
  • BTLPT Preparation Manual and Interactive Practice Exam - Review the exam framework, sample questions, oral and written assignments, and take the $10 interactive practice exam.
  • BTLPT Study Materials and Tips - A reading comprehension test, a sample lesson plan, a sample essay, and a sample response to an email for the BTLPT Spanish 190 exam, as well study suggestions and tips. 
  • BTLPT Tutorials - Character Selector tutorial, Pearson testing center overview, sample audio files, and more.

Special Education EC-12 candidates

  • Texas SPED Support - houses a suite of valuable TEA resources for educations, administrators, and support staff working with students receiving special education services. Search Texas SPED Support by topic, type, or audience.
  • TExES Special Education EC-12 (161) Book + Online Practice - Package includes comprehensive study guide and two full-length practice exams offered online in a timed format with instant scoring, diagnostic feedback, and detailed explanations of answers.
  • Special Education EC-12 Playlist - Video playlist of content covered on the SPED EC-12 (161) exam.
  • T-CERT - Texas Certification Exam Review created to help TExES candidates pass their certification exams. $30 for 60 day access to all modules on the site.

Math 7-12 candidates

  • Pre-K to 8th Grade Math Units - Quick units on math from pre-K level to 8th grade, including algebraic thinking, geometry, variables and expressions, and more.
  • TExES Math 7-12 Study Guide and Practice Exam Questions - Includes test-taking strategies, number concepts, patterns and alegbra, and more, as well as practice questions and answer explanations.
  • Math Progression Videos - Videos for early number & counting, addition & subtraction, progression of division and multiplication, and fractions.
  • Math Antics - Free video lessons from basic arithmetic and fractions to geometry and algebra basics.
  • Math Help - Videos and lessons on math subjects from 5th grade math to algebra 2.
  • That Tutor Guy - Video library by Stanford graduate with ten years professional tutoring experience. Lessons include middle school math, pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, trig, college algebra, pre-calculus, calculus, statistics, chemistry and physics.
  • STAAR Exams - Released test questions and answers from grades 3 through high school for Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies, Biology and U.S. History.
  • Math Antics Math 7-12 Preparation Manual and Practice Exam - Review the exam framework, sample questions, and take the $10 interactive practice exam.

Science 7-12 candidates

History 7-12 and Social Studies 7-12 candidates

  • US History - A brief introductory course for US History.
  • - a leader in helping K-12 history teachers access resources and materials to improve U.S. history education in the classroom.
  • AP/College US History - 1491 to Present
  • World History Project - Origins to the Present
  • World History Projects - 1750 to Present
  • World History Timelines - The 100 Most Significant Events of the Last Thousand Years, an ancient history timeline, world history timelines and more.
  • Best of History Websites - Quick, convenient, and reliable access to the best history-oriented resources online in a wide range of categories and has been designed to benefit history teachers
  • Texas History Timeline - Story of Texas
  • US Government and Civics - Course includes foundations of American democracy, interactions among branches of government, civil liberties and civil rights, citizenship, and more.
  • Civics Practice Test - Test your knowledge of U.S. history, culture, economics and more.
  • U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Exam - 100 questions and answers over American Government, American History, and Civics.
  • - Quizzes and resources for US History & Government, and global studies.
  • Texas State Historical Association - Digital gateway to Texas history through a collection of resources.
  • TExES Social Studies 7-12 (232) Book + Online Practice - Package includes comprehensive review of all content categories tested on the TExES Social Studies 7-12 exam, online diagnostic that pinpoints strengths and weaknesses to help focus study, and two full-length practice exams that feature timed testing, automatic scoring, and topic-level feedback.
  • T-CERT - Texas Certification Exam Review created to help TExES candidates pass their certification exams. $30 for 60 day access to all modules on the site.
  • Fact Monster World Geography - Brush up on your world geography facts and knowledge.
  • Fact Monster US Geography - Brush up on your US geography facts and knowledge.
  • Fact Monster Government - Brush up on your government facts and knowledge.
  • Fact Monster Laws and Rights - Brush up on your laws and rights facts and knowledge.
  • TEA AP Macroeconomics - is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of a typical one-semester Macroeconomics course. The text provides comprehensive coverage of economic principles, research, and impacts. 
  • TEA AP Microeconomics - covers the scope and sequence requirements of a typical one-semester college-Microeconomics course. The text provides comprehensive coverage of economic principles, research, and impacts.

Dance 6-12 candidates

Tutoring Resources

  • When seeking tutoring services, you should have the following materials on hand so that your tutor can help you identify what it is you need to study: 1.) Preparation Manual for your exam, 2.) Practice Exam score report(s), and/or 3.) Previous score reports if you have taken the real TExES exam. Be aware that tutoring is a service that may incur personal expense. Speak to your program faculty or mentor teachers about other options that may be available to you. There may be teachers in the schools you are observing/clinical teaching in that may be willing to help tutor you.
  • TExES Exam Prep - Online one-on-one tutoring services for all certification fields.
  • Tutor Doctor - Private tutoring in subjects like Math, Science, English, and LOTE (Spanish and French).
  • Texas Teachers Today - Online courses and tutoring available for Core EC-6, LOTE Spanish, BTLPT, Bilingual and ESL Supplemental, and PPR EC-12 exams.
  • UNT Writing Center - Available to current students for help with structure, grammar, punctuation and more. Students who have a written component to their exams (such as ELAR 7-12, BTLPT, or LOTE exams) and struggle with writing, may wish to meet with a tutor prior to taking their TExES exam.