Jakob Vingren 


  1. Vechin F. C., Vingren, J. L., Telles, G. D., Conceicao, M. S., Libardi, C. A., Lixandrao, M. E., Damas, F., Cunha, T. F., Brum, P. C., Riani, L. A., & Ugrinowitsch, C. (2023) Acute changes in serum and skeletal muscle steroids in resistance-trained men.Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 14:1081056 

  1. Yates, B. A., Armstrong, L. E., Lee, E. C., Unverzagt, F. W., Dadzie, E., Lopez, V., Williamson, K., Vingren, J. L., & Orkaby, A. R. (2023) Effectiveness of a single prolonged aerobic exercise session on executive function task performance in physically active adults (21–70 years of age). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20(4):2802. doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20042802 

  1. *Chae, S., Bailey, C. A., Hill, D. W., McMullen, S. M., Moses, S. A., & Vingren, J. L. (corresponding author) (2023) Acute kinetic and kinematic responses to rest redistribution with heavier loads in resistance-trained men, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.37(5):987-993. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000004372 

  1. *Chae, S., Bailey, C. A., Hill, D. W., McMullen, S. M., Moses, S. A., & Vingren, J. L. (corresponding author) (2023) Acute physiological and perceptual responses to rest redistribution with heavier loads in resistance-trained men, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 37(5):994-1000. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000004366 

  1. Levitt, D. E., Luk, H. Y., & Vingren, J. L. (2022) Alcohol, Resistance Exercise, and mTOR Pathway Signaling: An Evidence-Based Narrative Review, Biomolecules, 13(1): 2. doi: 10.3390/biom13010002. 

  1. McFarlin, B.K., Tanner, E.A., Hill, D.W., & Vingren, J.L. (2022) Prebiotic/probiotic supplementation resulted in reduced visceral fat and mRNA expression associated with adipose tissue inflammation, systemic inflammation, and chronic disease risk. Genes Nutr. 28;17(1):15. doi: 10.1186/s12263-022-00718-7. 

Grants awarded: 

1.    Contractor, A., Blumenthal, H. & Vingren, J. L. (2022-2025) Processing of Positive Memories Technique for PTSD, 1R15MH129773-01A1, ($438,501), National Institutes of Health-NIMH R15. 

Role: Co-I (5%) (Co-PI as defined by UNT). 


Robin Henson 

Glaman, R., Chen, Q., & Henson, R. K. (2022). Comparing three approaches for handling a fourth level of nesting structure in cluster-randomized trials. The Journal of Experimental Education, 90(3), 712-730. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220973.2020.1814684 


Teo Keifert 

I received a National Science Foundation IUSE grant (Improving Undergraduate STEM Education) in the Directorate for STEM Education. The grant is titled: Collaborative Research: Equitable Science Sensemaking (ESSe): Helping Teacher Candidates Support Multiple Pathways for Learning in collaboration. I am the PI at UNT and my collaborators are at the Ohio State University and Vanderbilt University. This work focuses on designing science methods courses for undergraduate pre-service teachers.  
I also have a new piece published this year called Multiple Representations in Elementary Science: Building Shared Understanding while Leveraging Students’ Diverse Ideas and Practices. It is currently available online in the Journal of Science Teacher Education at https://doi.org/10.1080/1046560X.2022.2143612.  
I've also been nominated by the ISLS President and Annual Meeting Committee as the inaugural chair of Hybrid Engagement Subcommittee for the International Society of the Learning Sciences. This role will allow me to lead the field across the globe in a long-term design-based research project to explore the possibilities for hybrid engagement across virtual and in-person designs for conferences and meetings.  

Finally, I was invited to give two talks this year:  

  • A talk to graduate students as IslandWood (Bainbridge Island, WA) Experiential Environmental Science Education on family culture and designing for equitable learning. 

  • As a co-panelist on Inclusive Online Teaching for the Division of Digital Strategy and Innovation (DSI) Center for Learning Experimentation, Application, and Research (CLEAR) here at UNT. 

Brenda Barrio 


Barrio, B.L.*1, Ferguson, S. *1, Hovey, K., Boedeker, P. & Kluttz-Drye, B. (2023). Voices beyond the numbers: A systematic review of qualitative studies of disproportionality in special education. Preventing School Failure. :  https://doi.org/10.1080/1045988X.2022.2101422 IF: 1.39 Scopus: 1.7; 62% 

Barrio, B.L.*1, Cardon, T.*1, Kelley, J.E., Hsiao, Y-J. (2022). Autism in the media: Perceptions regarding portrayals of ASD on television. International Forum of Special Education and Child Development, 3, 1-15. IF: N/A Scopus: N/A; N/A. Taiwan. 

Barrio, B.L. (2022). Culturally responsive and relevant transition IEPs: Building bridges between students, families, communities, and schools. Intervention in School and Clinic, 58(2), 92-99. IF: 1.42 Scopus: 1.5; 58% 


University of North Texas Student Government Association Professor Graham Award 

College of Education Faculty Service Awards 

Special Appointments: 

Named Division of Research and Innovation Faculty Fellow 


Karthigeyan Subramaniam 

13. Subramaniam, K. Teaching practices in elementary preservice teachers’ prior knowledge of science instruction: Practice-based theory of teaching analysis. Journal of Science Teacher Education. Accepted, in press. 

12. Subramaniam, K. (2023). A phenomenological study of pre-service elementary teachers’ first-time science teaching experiences: A focus on new lived experiences. Teaching Education, 34(2), 209-224. doi.org/10.1080/10476210.2022.2077928 

11. Lee, E., Subramaniam, K., & Castro, D. C. (2023). Early childhood pre-service teachers’ descriptions of equity in science education: A thematic analysis. Early Childhood Education Journal,51(2). 483-492. doi.org/10.1007/s10643-022-01318-1 

10. Subramaniam, K. (2023). Pre-Service teachers’ images of scientific practices: A social, epistemic, conceptual, and material dimensions perspective. Research in Science Education, 53(3), 633-649 doi.org/10.1007/s11165-022-10074-6 

9. Long, C., Harrell, P., & Subramaniam, K., Pope, E., & Thompson, R. (2023). Strengthening elementary preservice teachers’ physical science content knowledge: A three-year study. Research in Science Education,53(3), 613-632. doi.org/10.1007/s11165-022-10071-9 

8. Harrell, P., Subramaniam, K., Long, C., Thompson, R., & Pope, E. (2022). Increasing Hispanics in the educator workforce: A science methods intervention to improve passing rates on an elementary science certification examination. Journal of Latinos and Education, 1-10. First published online 17 January 2022. doi.org/10.1080/15348431.2021.2022486 

7. Subramaniam, K. (2022). Journeys in STEM learning: First-Time experiences of science teaching. Educational Research, 64(4), 391-406.doi.org/10.1080/00131881.2022.2112922 

6. Subramaniam, K. (2022). Prospective teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge development in an elementary science methods course. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 33(4), 345-367. doi.org/10.1080/1046560X.2021.1939944 

5. Subramaniam, K., Harrell, P., Long, C., & Khan, N. (2022). Pre-Service elementary teachers’ conceptual understanding of average speed: The systematicity and persistence of related and unrelated concepts. Research in Science and Technology Education, 40(2), 189-206. doi.org/10.1080/02635143.2020.1782880 

4. Subramaniam, K., Long, C. Harrell, P., & Khan, N. (2022). The stable and persistent alternative conceptions present in prospective elementary teachers’ understanding of average speed. Journal of College Science Teaching, 51(2), 78-84. 

3. Harrell, P., Kirby, B., Subramaniam, K., & Long, C. (2022). Are elementary pre-service teachers floating or sinking to understand buoyancy? International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 20, 299-320. doi.org/10.1007/s10763-021-10160-7 

2. Muimongkol, S. C., Subramaniam, K., & Wickstrom, C. (2022). Dimensions and orientations of pre-service early childhood teachers’ conceptions of teaching science. Early Childhood Education Journal, 50(1), 145-156. doi.org/10.1007/s10643-020-01146-1 

1. Subramaniam, K. (2022). Teaching qualitative research: Concept mapping as an instructional strategy. College Teaching, 70(1), 43-45. First published online 05 February 2021. DOI 10.1080/02635143.2020.1782880 


Jihyun Lee 

Lee, J. & Beretvas, S. N. (2023) Comparing Methods for Handling Missing Covariates in Meta‐Regression. Research Synthesis Methods. 14(1) 117‐136. https://doi.org/10.1002/jrsm.1585 


Chris Long 

Szabo, S., Sinclair, B.B., Long, C.S., Naizer, G. (In-Press). Revisiting the readability of K-8 Science textbooks: Publishers’ failures and implications for classroom teachers. Kappa Delta Gamma Bulletin 

Long, C. S., Harrell, P. E., Subramaniam, K., Pope, E., & Thompson. R (2023) Strengthening elementary preservice teachers’ teacher physical science knowledge: A three-year study. Research in Science Education. 53(3) 

Subramaniam, K., Long C. S., Harrell, P. E., & Khan, N. (2022) The stable and persistent alternative conceptions present in prospective elementary teachers’ understanding of average speed. Journal of College Science Teaching, 51(4), 58-64 


Long, C. S, Martin-Dunlop, C., Fraser, B. J., Sinclair, B. B., Subramaniam, K. (2023, April) Using Learning Environment Ideas in Action Research in Science Education Classes. [Paper Session] Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL. 

Ham, C., Subramaniam, K. & Long, C. S., (2023, May) How Contextual Constructs Can Impact Pre-Service Elementary Teachers’ Practices to Develop Science Literacy. [Paper Session] Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL(Virtual). 

Subramaniam, K., Long, C. S., Khan, N., Asim, S., Losoya, S., Ham, C., Sinclair, B. B., & Carden, M. R. (2023, January). Seeking a broader – asset-based and diversified – view of pre-service elementary teachers’ domain-specific prior knowledge of engineers. [Themed Paper Set] Association for Science Teacher Educators Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. (Peer Reviewed Presentation). 

Long C. S., Sinclair, B. B., Subramaniam, K., Carden, M., Losoya, S., (2022, October) Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions of Science Teachers, Scientists and Engineers: A pilot study. [Paper Session] Annual Meeting of the Southwest – Association for Science Teacher Education. San Marcos, TX 

Losoya, S., Long C. S., Sinclair, B. B., Subramaniam, K., & Carden, M. (2022, October) The Use of Goal Congruity Theory to Improve Gender Parity in Science Education.  [Paper Session] Annual Meeting of the Southwest – Association for Science Teacher Education. San Marcos, TX 

Ham, C., Subramaniam, K., & Long C. S. (2022, October) Exploring the Dynamics of Contextual Construct with Core Science Teaching Practices to Develop Scientific Literacy with Pre-Service Elementary Teachers during Student Teaching. [Paper Session] Annual Meeting of the Southwest – Association for Science Teacher Education. San Marcos, TX 


Commencement Speaker, Fairhill School, Addison, Texas. May 25th, 2023. 


Andrew M. Colombo-Dougovito 

Jerraco Johnson 

Johnson, J.L., Coleman, A.S., Kwarteng, J., Holmes, A., Kermah, D., Bruce, M.A., & Beech, B.M. (2023). The Association between Adult Sport, Fitness, and Recreational Physical Activity and Number and Age of Children Present in the Household: A Secondary Analysis Using NHANES. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 

Johnson, J.L., Caroll, A.V., Wadsworth, D.D., Sassi, J, Merritt, M. Morris, & Rudisill, M.E (2023). Towards Identifying a Dosage Effect for Improving Fundamental Motor Skills of Preschool Children with a Mastery Motivational Climate, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 

Hastie, P.A., Stringfellow, A., Johnson, J. L., Dixon, C.E., Hollett, N., & Ward, K. (2022). Examining the Concept of Engagement in Physical Education. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 1-18. 

Johnson, J. L., Wadsworth, D.D., Rudisill, M.E., Irwin, J.M, & Bridges, C. (2022). Does Skill Performance Influence Young Children’s Perceived Competence? Perceptual and Motor Skills, 129 (5), 1396-1412.  


2023 Elevate Fellow – Rutgers Center for Minority Serving Institutions 

From David Hill’s area in the Applied Physiology Laboratory at UNT: 

Hill DW, and Chtourou H. (2022). Sleep loss, mood state, and performance of extreme intensity cycling exercise. Biological Rhythm Research, 53(12): 1801–1810. 

From Brian McFarlin’s area in the Applied Physiology Laboratory at UNT: 

*McFarlin BK, Tanner EA, Hill DW, and Vingren JL. (2022). Prebiotic/probiotic supplementation resulted in reduced visceral fat and mRNA expression associated with adipose tissue inflammation, systemic inflammation, and chronic disease risk. Genes & Nutrition, (2022) 17:15. doi:10.1186/s12263-022-00718-7. 

*McFarlin BK, Vingren JL, Hill DW, and Bridgeman EA. (2023). MSM supplementation is associated with reduced inflammation and improved innate immune response following in Vitro LPS-stimulation in humans after a bout of downhill running. Muscles, 2(2): 204–217. doi:10.3390/muscles2020015. 

From Jakob Vingren’s area in the Applied Physiology Laboratory at UNT: 

*Chae S, Bailey CA, Hill DW, McMullen SM, Moses SA, and Vingren JL. (2023). Acute kinetic and kinematic responses to rest redistribution with heavier loads in resistance trained men. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 37(5): 987–993. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000004372. 

*Chae S, Bailey CA, Hill DW, Moses SA, McMullen SM, and Vingren JL. (2023). Acute physiological and perceptual responses to rest redistribution with heavier loads for the squat exercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 37(5): 993–1000. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000004366. 

From Hamdi Chtourou’s Laboratories in the National Sport Observatory (Tunis) and the Higher Institute of Sport and Physical Education (Sfax) in Tunisia: 

Trabelsi K, Ammar A, Glenn JM, Boukhris O, Khacharem A, Bouaziz B, Zmijewski P, Lanteri,P, Garbarino S, Clark CCT, Chamari K, Bragazzi NL, Hill DW, and Chtourou H. (2022). Does observance of Ramadan affect sleep in adult and adolescent practitioners of physical activity physically active men? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Sleep Research, 31: e13503. doi/10.1111/jsr.13503. 

Boukhris O, Hill, David W, Ammar A, Trabelsi K, Hsouna H, Abdessalem R, Mezghanni N, Souissi N, Bragazzi L, Chamari K, and Chtourou H. (2022). Longer nap duration during Ramada n observance positively impacts 5-m shuttle run test performance performed in the afternoon. Frontiers in Physiology, 13: 811435. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.811435. 

Hsouna H, Boukhris O, Hill DW, Abdesalem R, Trabelsi K, Ammar A, Irandoust K, Souissi N, Taheri M, Hammouda O, Clark CCT, Driss T, and Chtourou H. (2022). A daytime 40-min nap opportunity after a simulated late evening soccer match reduces the perception of fatigue and improves the 5-m shuttle run performance. Research in Sports Medicine, 30(5): 502–515. 


Rachel Ranschaert 


  1. Hughes, H.E., Benson, K., Brody, D., Murphy, A., & Ranschaert, R. (2022). A case study: Enacting courage and collaboration in equity and justice-oriented educational leadership. Middle School Journal, 53(2), 5-11. 

  2. Ranschaert, R., Sharma, A., & Harman, R. (2022). Teachers as autonomous moral superheroes: Considering the limits of neoliberal ethical frameworks. Progressive Neoliberalism and Schooling. 

  3. Dresden, J., Gilbertson, E., Shaver Nylin, A., Burgum, A., Ceron, I., Fasig, M., MacMillan, T., Ranschaert, R., & Waldrip, P. (2022). Stories of possibility: A partnership creates a summer learning community. In  Ferrara, J., Nath, J., Beebe, R. (Eds.) Professional Development School (PDS) and Community Schools: The Nexus of Practice. Information Age Publishing.   


  1. Honorable mention for the 2023 International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Dissertation Award 


  1. Ranschaert, R. (2023, April). Justice-oriented teaching and the spectre of community backlash: Implications for teacher education. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting. Chicago, IL. 

  2. Ranschaert, R. (2022, November). Justice beyond theory: The role of sociopolitical contexts in teachers’ thinking about justice. Paper presented at the American Educational Studies Association (AESA) annual conference. Pittsburgh, PA. 


Mila Rosa-Carden 

Practitioner/Innovation article:    

Graham, D., & Librea-Carden, M. L. (2022). Knocking on your neighbors’ door: Unlocking integrated curriculum for high school gifted learners. Teaching for High Potential.   

[Teaching for High Potential is a flagship journal of National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)]  

Librea-Carden, M. L., Avarzamani, F., Rillero, P.R. & Hamel, F. (2023). Nature of science understandings and instructional perceptions: Moroccan preservice primary science teacher educators’ responding variables to a professional development series. The Electronic Journal for Research in Science and Mathematics Education, 26, (4) 1-16. https://ejrsme.icrsme.com/article/view/22391 


Queshonda Kudaisi 


Harper, F.K. & Kudaisi, Q. (accepted). Geometry, groceries, and gardens: Learning mathematics and social justice in a project-based mathematics classroom. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior.  

Kudaisi, Q. (2022). Attending to Equity and Social Justice in Mathematics Coaching. In White, I. (Ed).  Equity Counts: Diversity and Inclusion for Success of All Learners. Rise to greater heights network. 

Kudaisi, Q. & Kudaisi, O. (2022). The mathematics of toxic air emissions. In Conway, B., Id-Deen, L., Raygoza, M., Ruiz, A., Staley, J., & Thanheiser, E (Eds).  Middle School Mathematics Lessons to Explore, Understand, and Respond to Social Injustice. Corwin Mathematics and The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. 


The Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators recently selected Queshonda Kudaisi as an AMTE STaR Fellow for the 2023-24 academic year. She is one of 24 early-career mathematics education scholars selected for this fellowship. 

Acceptance into Texas Instruments' 2023 Teacher Leader Cadre Program

Lok-Sze Wong 

  • I published a peer-reviewed journal article - Wong, L. (2023). Accomplishing system reforms by minding the details: Developing understandings for collective practice. American Journal of Education, 129(3), 383-412. 

  • I was awarded a grant from the Wallace Foundation for a study titled “A Critical, Ecological Perspective on the Wallace Foundation Research Production, Diffusion, and Use.” The full award amount is $636,298. The UNT subaward amount is $109,666. 

  • I was awarded a grant from Goalbook for a study titled “Study of District Leaders of Special Education.” The full award amount is $43,000. The UNT subaward amount is $20,578. 


Nazia Khan 

5 years of service UNT award this year 2023 

Dan Li 


Li, D., & Liu, Y. (2023). Professional identity development of international counseling doctoral students: A hybrid approach of deductive and inductive thematic analysis. Counselor Education and Supervision. https://doi.org/10.1002/ceas.12273 

*The flagship journal for counselor educators and supervisors 

Liu, Y., & Li, D. (2023). Anti-oppressive research in group work. The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 48(2), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/01933922.2023.2170507 

*The official publication of the Association for Specialists in Group Work (ASGW) 

Li, D. (2022). Predictors of counselor trainees’ satisfaction with online learning during COVID‐19. Counselor Education and Supervision, 61(4), 379–390. https://doi.org/10.1002/ceas.12254 

*The flagship journal for counselor educators and supervisors 

Lindo, N. A., Li, D., Hastings, T., Ceballos, P., Werts, R., Molina, C., Oller, M., & Laird, A. (2022). Child and adolescent career construction: Lived experiences of an expressive arts group. Career Development Ouarterly, 70(4), 300-313. https://doi.org/10.1002/cdq.12307 

*Impact factor (2021):2.408, Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate, 2022): 57/83 (Psychology, Applied), the official journal of the National Career Development Association (NCDA) 

Hilts, D., Liu, Y., Li, D., & Luke, M. (2022). Examining ecological factors that predict school counselors’ engagement in leadership practices. Professional School Counseling, 26(1), 1-14. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/2156759X221118042 

*The flagship journal of the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) 

Li, D. (2022). Moderation effects of supervisee levels on the relationship between supervisory styles and the supervisory working alliance. The Professional Counselor, 12(2), 167-184. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1348563.pdf 

*The official journal of the National Board for Certified Counselors, Inc. and Affiliates (NBCC) 


2022 Publication in Counselor Education and Supervision Award*, Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. (2022). 

*This award honors a significant publishing effort by an Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) member focusing on the education and supervision of counselors within the last two years. 

2021 College of Education Junior Faculty Research Award*, University of North Texas (UNT) College of Education (COE). (2022). 

*This award is to recognize a junior, tenure-track faculty member whose scholarly work and contributions represents high quality and the potential for significant contributions to their field. 


Lemberger-Truelove, M. E., Ceballos, P. L. (Co-Principal), Li, D. (Co-Principal), "School Mental Health Advocates for Students and Educators (SMHASE) (resubmit)," Sponsored by Department of Education, Federal, $3,837,145.00. (2023 - 2028).