Clinical Teaching Policies and Rules


Candidates must provide proof of liability insurance for a minimum amount of $500,000 per incident to be allowed to begin clinical teaching. You may not report to your campus until you have shown proof of insurance. Cost-free professional liability insurance is available with a free student teacher membership in the Association of Texas Professional Educators. Go here to register for your free ATPE membership and obtain proof of liability insurance. You may also use other vendors to purchase this insurance; however, you must show proof of insurance prior to being allowed to begin clinical student teaching or internship.


Clinical Teachers: To be recommended to the Texas Education Agency for certification, a clinical teacher must successfully complete the full number of days prescribed by the UNT Educator Preparation Program. A full day is defined as 100% of the district- designated school day. This typically consists of one classroom placement for the complete clinical teaching period or two 7-8 week placements, depending on the requirements of the candidate's certification plan.

Internship Students: To be recommended to the Texas Education Agency for certification, a internship student employed as teacher of record on an intern or probationary certificate must successfully complete two full semesters of their employing district's designated school year (Fall-Spring/Spring-Fall only).


Clinical teachers must arrive before or by the designated time every day of the clinical teaching experience and remain for 100% of the school day.  You are expected to participate in any duties expected of the cooperating teacher that happen before, during or after the school day (i.e., arrival, cafeteria, bus, dismissal, recess, etc.).  You are also expected to attend separate non-instructional days but they cannot count towards your clinical teaching requirements.  These days include professional development days, parent teacher conferences that take place on teacher work days, band competitions, or school sponsored festivals/events.

Leaving the school campus during the school day is not permitted without prior approval from your UNT field supervisor and cooperating teacher.

Clinical teachers are expected to be in their placement from the formal start to the formal end date of clinical teaching as established by the Clinical Practice Office.  Per TEA requirements, clinical teachers must have a minimum of 70 days in their placements.  TAC 228.35(e)(2)(A)(i)(I)


The Texas Education Agency establishes the required number of days for clinical teaching that MUST be completed for a candidate to be recommended for a teaching certificate. TAC 228.35(e)(2)(A)(i)(I)

If it is necessary for the candidate to be absent for one or more days during the clinical teaching experience, it is the responsibility of the candidate to do the following:

  1. Contact your cooperating teacher, field supervisor/cadre coordinator, and the school office as soon as you know you will be absent, no later than the beginning of the school day which will be missed.
  2. In emergency cases, the rule of prudent judgment should apply in terms of when you inform others of your absence, including emergencies that may occur during the school day.
  3. Documentation from a medical professional is required for all health-related absences of 2 or more consecutive days.


Depending on which certification program a candidate is enrolled in, they may have required, ungraded seminars as part of the clinical teaching/internship experience. Attendance at UNT seminars and meetings conducted by university supervisors and/or cadre coordinators is mandatory. Every effort will be made to notify you of scheduled meetings; however, the field supervisor/cadre coordinator is permitted to call ad hoc meetings as deemed necessary.


Candidates follow their assigned district's calendar for all holidays, regardless of the scheduled University of North Texas holidays. For example, during the spring semester, take your spring break when the district does, not when UNT does. In a fall semester, your winter break coincides with your district's winter break, not UNT's.


Clinical teachers and Internship candidates must recognize their position as a responsible adult and role model for all students. Clinical Teachers are held to the same standards of behavior regarding social interactions as a certified teacher.

  • It is not appropriate to be present in non-school related contexts with students.
  • It is not appropriate to be present in school-related, non-classroom or school-based activities (field trips, etc.)  without the presence of the cooperating teacher or other appropriate certified district personnel.

Read the following excerpt from the Texas Administrative Code for further guidance. The Texas Education Agency has established legal criteria for appropriate educator-student relationships which include, but are not limited to the use of social media and electronic communications:

  • The educator shall maintain appropriate professional educator-student relationships and boundaries based on a reasonably prudent educator standard. [(H) Standard 3.8]
  • The educator shall refrain from inappropriate communication with a student or minor, including, but not limited to, electronic communication such as cell phone, text messaging, email, instant messaging, blogging, or other social network communication. Factors that may be considered in assessing whether the communication is inappropriate include, but are not limited to:

                    (i) the nature, purpose, timing, and amount of the communication;

                    (ii) the subject matter of the communication;

                    (iii) whether the communication was made openly or the educator attempted to conceal the communication;

                    (iv) whether the communication could be reasonably interpreted as soliciting sexual contact or a romantic relationship;

                    (v) whether the communication was sexually explicit; and

                    (vi) whether the communication involved discussion(s) of the physical or sexual                 attractiveness or the sexual history, activities, preferences, or fantasies of either the educator or the student. [(I) Standard             3.9.]


UNT Clinical Teachers are not permitted to act as paid or unpaid substitute teachers.


A clinical teacher may not have outside employment during the official school hours adopted by their placement district.


The UNT/TWU Education Career Fair or a career fair is a wonderful networking opportunity. In Fall semesters, the career fair is at TWU.  In Spring semesters, the career fair is at UNT.  Check the Career Center website for exact dates/times. The UNT/TWU Education Career Fair is just one of many career fairs that may be offered.  If you plan to attend a career fair you must notify your university supervisor and your cooperating teacher in advance.  You must pre-register for the UNT/TWU Education Career Fair. Consult the UNT Career Center website, for specific details. 


Additional coursework beyond what is required during clinical teaching is not allowed without prior approval from the Department of Teacher Education & Administration Admission, Retention & Review (ARR) Committee. 


If the board of trustees of an independent school district adopts a policy under Section 37.001(a)(8) of the Texas Administrative Code under which corporal punishment is permitted as a method of student discipline, a district-employed educator may use corporal punishment to discipline a student, unless the student's parent or guardian or other person having lawful control over the student has previously provided a written, signed statement prohibiting the use of corporal punishment as a method of student discipline. UNT clinical teachers may not under any circumstances, administer corporal punishment.